Adding a custom notification channel
Pega Platform™ delivers notifications over the default web gadget, email, and mobile push channels. Additionally, you can customize notification channels to meet application requirements such as sending notifications as phone text messages or as posts on Facebook or on other social media.
Creating a channel
Create a channel by extending the Pega-Notification class and the Data-Notification-Preference class.
- Extend the Pega-Notification class:
- In the Records Explorer, click .
- Filter the Class Name column by Pega-Notification, and open the Pega-Notification class.
- Click Pega-Notification-SMS. to save the class with the name of your new channel, for example,
- Extend the Data-Notification-Preference class.
- Update the pyGetNotificationChannelClass map rule:
- Add the new channel name to the rule.
- Add the run-time class as the new processing class.
- Add the preference class that you created.
- Clear the D_pzGetListOfChannels data page.
- Override the pySendNotification activity that belongs to Pega-Notification class into your new class.
Configuring a channel
You can configure a channel when you define an instance of the Notification rule. To make the configuration options available on the Notification rule form, do the following steps.
- Extend the Embed-NotificationChannel class.
- Override the pyDefault data transform:
- Save the pyDefault data transform into the created class.
- Set the pyChannelName property to the name of your channel, for example, SMS.
- Set the pxChannelRank property value to a numeric value, for example, 2. This number determines the order of the channel in the notification rule form.
- Override the Validate activity to validate input in the pyChannelConfiguration section.
- Save the Validate activity from the Embed-NotificationChannel class to the newly created class.