Adding task categories to the Interaction Driver
Adding task categories to the interaction driver helps to route the related service request to their defined categories. Edit the Rule-PegaCA-InteractionDriver rules to modify the available task categories. The default instances are:
- Phone interactions – PegaCA-Work-Interaction-Call.Driver
- Chat interactions – PegaCA-Work-Interaction-Chat.Driver
- Research – PegaCA-Work-Interaction-Research.Driver
- Web interactions – PegaCA-Work-Interaction-Web.Driver
- Mobile interactions – PegaCA-Work-Interaction-Mobile.Driver
- Inbound correspondence – PegaCA-Work-Interaction-Incorr.Driver
- Outbound correspondence – PegaCA-Work-Interaction-Outbound.Drive
To add or modify a task category
- Go to the explorer and click to display the list of Interaction Driver instances.
- Select an instance that suits your business needs to modify and save it to your ruleset.
- Complete the form with the following information and click
- Label – The Interaction driver name and description.
- Apply to – The class where the Interaction Driver should be located, for example, MyApp-Work-Interaction-Call.
- Click the Interaction Driver tab and complete the form with the following information.
- Category name – The name to display in the Other Processes category list.
- Data Source – Select a data source rule that is associated with the category.
- When – Optional. Select a condition to display the category of tasks.
- Behavior – Select an option from the drop-down menu:
- Show Tasks Only – Tasks in this category do not evaluate suggestions and do not display in the Suggested processes area of the Interaction Driver. The option is included as a task category in the Interaction Driver.
- Suggestions Only – Tasks in this category evaluate suggestions only. This category does not display in the Interaction Driver.
- Show Tasks & Suggestions – Displays the category and evaluates the contents for suggestions.
- Use Dynamic Default Category? – Select this check box to dynamically set the default category of the Other processes area in the Interaction Driver based on a value that you are allowed to configure. If already selected, the application uses the declare expression CADynamicDefaultCategory to determine the default category. You can configure this expression to meet your business needs. If the application cannot determine a valid category based on the declared expression, it uses the default category specified in the Default Category field.
This feature is supported in legacy portals only.
- Default Category – Specifies the selection list to use as the default within the Interaction Driver display.
This feature is supported in legacy portals only.
- Click the Interaction Options tab and complete the form with the following information:
- Show End Interaction – Select this check box to indicate that an end interaction task is added to the process queue.
This feature is supported in legacy portals only.
- Custom Fragment – References a custom HTML fragment rule that controls event handling.
This feature is supported in legacy portals only.
- Check Offers – Select this check box to evaluate campaigns. If you do not select the check box, the application does not evaluate any campaign rules nor suggest any offers.
- Show End Interaction – Select this check box to indicate that an end interaction task is added to the process queue.
- Coaching Tips – Select this check box to enable coaching tips.
- Dialogs – Select this check box to display dialogs during an interaction.
- Chat Frequent Sayings – Select this check box to display frequently used responses during chat sessions.
- NBAA Suggestions – Select this check box to enable Pega Marketing (formerly NBAA) suggestions.
- Reload NBAA Suggestions – Select this check box to allow the reloading of Pega Marketing (formerly NBAA) suggestions during an interaction.
- Quick Wrap Up – Select this check box to enable headless interaction wrap up.
- This feature is supported in legacy portals only.
- Allow Queuing – Select this check box to enable operators to select and queue processes for the Tabbed navigation method. If you select the Automatically Queue the End Interaction task? option, then Allow Queuing is selected by default and cannot be disabled.
- Display Task Menu in Panel – Select this check box to display the task menu panel. If you do not select the check box, the previous vertical task section displays.
- Select the Overlay option to display the panel over the driver and composites.
- Select the Modal Dialog option to display the panel centered on the screen in a modal window format.
- Task Menu Layout – Select the Repeat Grid option to display tasks for each category. Select the Tree Grid option to display the categories in a tree format with collapsible categories.
- Show Task Search – Select this check box to display the task search gadget on the left-hand driver frame (below the button).
Pega Customer Service provides various options on the Interaction Options tab to allow administrators to enable or disable specific features for each interaction type. Disabling unused features can improve performance by eliminating activity calls and calls from the client browser required to use these features. Pega Customer Service also provides configuration options to control how the Interaction Driver task menu displays in the UI. The Tabbed Navigation Options are not applicable to the Pega Customer Service Interaction Portal.
- Click the Composite tab, and then enter the following data in the .
- Tab Name – The name that displays on the Composite tab.
- Data Source – The data source for the tab.
- When – The rule that determines if the tab is required to display in the composite mode.
- Harness – The composite harness for the tab.
- Pre-Display Activity – Triggers the activity when the composite initially renders.
- Defer Load – Determines if the tab loading is deferred or not based on the True or False value.
- Stay Back – If the value is True, a user cannot tear off the relevant tab to a secondary window. The tab remains anchored to the primary window.
- Default Tab – Displays in the driver.
The Composite tab supports legacy portals only.
- Click the Dialog tab, and then enter the following data in the .
- Initial Dialog – Displays the dialog at the start of the interaction before any service processes are initiated.
- Secondary Dialog – Displays the dialog after completion of a service process and a user is returned to the main interaction.
This feature is supported in legacy portals only.
- Click . The application adds the task categories to the Interaction Driver.