Creating a category, problem area, and problem sub-area
When a Pega Customer Service for Communications application user faces an issue with a product, they can log in to the customer portal and look for a possible solution by using guided troubleshooting steps. In a troubleshooting case, the user selects a problem category that identifies the issue that they are trying to fix. For each problem category, there can be multiple problem areas that further define the problem, and each problem area can have multiple problem subareas.
Before you start creating the problem category, analyze the customer problem areas and subareas.
- Log in to Designer Studio as a manager.
- Click Launch > Interaction portal.
- In the left navigation panel, click Manager Tools.
- In the Guided troubleshooting section, click Configure guided troubleshooting.
- On the Guided troubleshooting configuration page, you can view the available problem items in the Problem category column. To create a problem item/category, select the parent item and click Add category.
- In the Problem category name field, enter the problem item title.
- To add a problem area to the problem category item, select the problem item and click Add problem area.
- Enter the title for the Problem area and click .
- Select the problem area and click Add problem sub area.
- Enter the title for the Problem sub-area.
- Select the Questionnaire for the Problem sub-area and click .
- Click Save.
- To upload an image for a problem item that is used in the self-service application, click the Upload icon, select the image from your local system, and click Submit. The image displays next to the problem item title.
- Click Save.
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