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Guided Internet Setup Microjourney

Updated on October 16, 2020

These topics describe how to configure and extend the Guided Internet Setup Microjourney, which is part of the Pega Customer Service™ for Communications application.

Business value

This Microjourney describes how a customer can set up internet service from a mobile website. Artificial intelligence features make it easy for a customer to enter a cable modem MAC address during internet service setup. The guided process also helps customers troubleshoot issues that they might encounter during the setup. Internet service companies currently spend more than 20 minutes per internet service setup call. This Microjourney provides a self-service option that enables setup without calling the call center.

Personas, channels, and use cases

The following table shows the personas and channels for each use case in this Microjourney.



Use case


Mobile self-service website

Set up internet by entering MAC address and device serial number.

Customer service representative (CSR)

Interaction portal

Support customers who encounter issues when using Mobile Self Service

Application names

These applications are part of the Guided Internet Setup Microjourney.

  • CustomerServiceForComms -- Core Application
  • CSCSampleApplication -- Sample Application
  • PegaCSCSelfService -- Mobile Self Service

Mobile self-service example

In this example, customers can use a smart phone to log in to the Mobile Self-Service site, which guides them through the process to set up their internet service. Complex steps such as entering the MAC address and device serial number are simplified in that the customer only needs to take a photo, and AI figures out the rest. The guided process also helps customer troubleshoot any issues they may encounter during the setup.

Self-service setup example

Stages and steps

This Microjourney was designed in App Studio to allow for ease of implementation and Build for Change by a business user. The following graphic shows the stages and steps as well as the personas and data associated with each stage,

Stages & steps

The Guided Internet Setup Microjourney includes the following components:

  1. Instructions for preparing for setup and the estimated setup time.
  2. Instructions on setting up a modem.
  3. Sub-process to capture equipment details (MAC address and serial number).
    1. Take a photo from a mobile camera, which initiates optical character recognition (OCR) to convert the image to raw text and uses natural language processing to identify the MAC address and serial number.
      Or, manually enter the MAC address and serial number.
  4. Send the captured MAC address and serial number to the network provider.
  5. Launch the troubleshooter.

Users can use the configure view to modify any of these steps.

Data Model

Use the Data model page in App Studio to quickly view and understand the relationship between all data objects in the application. You can add, update, and delete data objects without exiting the visual data model.

For information about the Data model page, see Data modeling. For information about connecting to external data entities, see Managing data and integrations with the Integration Designer.

The following figure shows the entity relationship diagram (ERD) for this Microjourney.  For each data object, the ERD shows only the properties that apply to this Microjourney.

Enterprise relationship diagram for Guided Internet Setup

Enabling the Microjourney

This Microjourney is included with Customer Service for Communications. Access the Microjourney from Mobile Self Service by following these steps:

  1. Go to the U+ demo website.  
  2. Select U+Comm
  3. Click Settings at the bottom of the screen. 
  4. Click Upload config file and select the “Guided internet setup.json” file and click save.
  5. Click the U+Comm logo at the top.
  6. Click Log in and Sign in.
  7. Click Need help
  8. Click Guided internet setup.

What are the common extensions?

The following graphic shows the integration points described late in this Microjourney. 

Stages and steps

Step 1: Download Google Vision OCR

  • The guided internet setup service case works seamlessly with Google Vision OCR.
  • Download the Google Vision OCR component and add it to the application by clicking manage components in the application definition.
  • Google Vision OCR detects text on images that is later used to identify the MAC address   and serial number of the device.
Enabled components

Step 2: Sending model details for activation

After identifying the MAC address and serial number for the guided internet service setup, we provide a stub or connect REST extension where the Pega Case Designer can send details to the network  provider in-order to activate the device.  The Case Designer can use this connect REST and include custom logic   here. We pass the MAC address and serial number that we have detected as part of NLP and this information is forwarded to the service.

  • Pega Case Designers can use an activation data stub in-order to send the MAC address and serial number to the network provider for activation.
  • “pzExecuteRestConnector” activity is invoked in the utility smart shape in "Collect Information" flow to send the details.
Flow chart
  • A connect REST rule SendModemDetails has been created and is given as a parameter in the activity. 
  • This connect REST extension includes the MAC address  and serial number as parameters that are shared with the network provider for activation.
  • Other parameters can be added by using this REST connector.

Connect Rest: SendModemDetail
Ruleset: CSCCases:08-04-01


Send modem details

3. Customizing the troubleshooter

Once the Mac address and Serial number is captured the customer will enter the troubleshooter to guide them through equipment setup. Pega Case Designer can choose to use a different troubleshooter flow by customizing an extension point and pointing it to their own troubleshooting flows.

  • To set "DiagnosticId", use the decision table ReferenceForTroubleshooter. 
  • Any implementation user can launch a different troubleshooter by changing the diagnostic ID in the decision table, which is sent as a parameter to “SetDiagnosticDetails" activity.

Decision Table name: ReferenceForTroubleshooter
Ruleset: CSCCases:08-04-01


Decision table: reference for troubleshooter

Step 4: Configuring dynamic images on the troubleshooter

Implementation users can customize the default images or change the source of dynamic images by overriding the GetModemImages extension data transform. This data transform is executed before a troubleshooting question is loaded.

Data Transform name: GetModemImages
Ruleset: CSCCases:08-04-01

Data transform

Step 5: Optional: Scheduling notifications

Implementation users can be notified by a text message or e-mail on the day (or day before) the internet service starts. The message contains a link to the setup internet case on a web self-service page  . 
Notification frequency, start time, and time zone can be adjusted in the job scheduler.

Job Scheduler: SendOutSetupNotifications
Ruleset: CSCCases:08-04-01

Job scheduler

Use the following when condition extension to change the timing of when an e-mail notification will be sent. (Relative to the customer’s service start date)

When: DaysRemainingForSetUp
Ruleset: CSCCases:08-04-01

When condition
  • Use FormDeeplinkToSetup extension data transform to point to a different web address for the deep link
Extension deep link

Data Transform: FormDeeplinkToSetup
Ruleset: CSCCases:08-04-01

Step 6: Configuring Knowledge Management

Configure Knowledge Management (KM) in order to create knowledge articles and launch the troubleshooter. See the KM User Guide for more information. 


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