Calculating values and making decisions
To provide automated solutions for your application users, define automatic was of making decisions and calculating values in your business processes.
For example, you can create a decision table that examines values that a user provide to apply the best solution in the process.- Data Transforms
A data transform defines how to convert data that is in one format and class (the source) into data of another format and class (the target). The supported formats are clipboard and JSON. Using a data transform instead of an activity to set property values speeds up development and makes application maintenance easier.
- Decision tables
Decision tables derive a value that has one of a few possible outcomes, where each outcome can result from a test of a condition that includes multiple variables. A decision table lists two or more rows, and each row contains test conditions, optional actions, and a result.
- About Decision Trees
Use a decision tree to record if .. then logic that calculates a value from a set of test conditions organized as a tree structure on the Decision tab, with the 'base' of the tree at the left.
- About Map Values
Use a map value to create a table of number, text, or date ranges that converts one or two input values, such as latitude and longitude numbers, into a calculated result value, such as a city name. Map value rules greatly simplify decisions based on ranges of one or two inputs. Use a map value to record decisions based on one or two ranges of an input value. A map value uses a one- or two-dimensional table to derive a result.
- When Condition rules
A when condition rule evaluates a Boolean logical statement involving comparisons among values of properties, to return true or false.
- Building expressions with the Expression Builder
Author expressions using the Expression Builder by completing the following steps:
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