Creating a ruleset version
Create a new version of an existing ruleset or create a new ruleset with an associated ruleset version.
- In the navigation panel, click .
- On the Ruleset instances page, click Create.
- On the Create RuleSet Version page, in the RuleSet Name field, enter a name starting with a letter, or press the Down arrow key to select an existing ruleset.
- Optional: Branch
- In the Branch ID field, select
- In the Ruleset to branch field, select
- Optional: To add this ruleset version to the top of the Application
Ruleset list in the current application rule, select
Update my current Application to include the new version (Quick
Create Only).
- Click Create and close.
- Click Create and open.
- On the Versions tab, in the Validation
mode section, select a validation mode.
- Application Validation
- Ruleset Validation
The system displays the following fields:- Secure – Identifies a locked or unlocked ruleset version.
- Effective Start Date – Displays the date on which the rule was created.
- View History – View the history of the ruleset version, such as the time it was last updated.
- Required Rulesets and Versions – This option appears when you select Ruleset Validation. Enter one or more ruleset versions that the ruleset version requires as a prerequisite.
- Version – Displays the ruleset version.
- Description – Displays the description that the system generated when you entered a ruleset name on the Create RuleSet Version page. Keep the default description or modify it.
- Approval required – Select this option to require a development approval workflow, identified in the RuleSet Name rule, for checking in rules for this version of this ruleset.
- Checked out – Displays the number of rule instances that use this version that are currently checked out. To view the number of rule instances grouped by rule type, click the number that is displayed in this column.
- All rules – Displays the number of rule instances using this version. To view a summary report of the number of rules by rule type, click the number that is displayed in this column.
- Optional: To lock a version, in the Secure column, expand the row
and complete the following steps:
- Click Lock and Save.
- In the Lock Ruleset Version window, enter a password and click Submit.
- Optional: To unlock a version, in the Secure column, expand the row
and complete the following steps:
- Click Unlock and Save.
- In the Unlock Ruleset Version window, enter a password and click Submit.
- Click Save.
- Configuring ruleset version settings
For improved management of your application, define the behavior of your ruleset and how it interacts with other elements of your application by configuring ruleset version settings.
Previous topic Creating rulesets Next topic Configuring ruleset version settings