Managing application features
Actively manage and document the features that you implement to provide traceability to future developers who extend your application.
The following tasks can help you manage features:
- Reviewing application features
Review the current features in your application so that you can make informed decisions about the new features that you create.
- Changing the level of a feature
Change the relative position of a feature in the feature hierarchy to support reuse and extension in other applications.
- Associating a rule with a feature
Document which rules implement a feature to improve the traceability and extensibility of your application.
- Associating a feature with a work item
Associate your assigned work items with the features that they implement to improve traceability in your application.
- Skimming features to the latest version
Copy, or skim, features from previous versions of your application to ensure that the application that you ship includes the complete feature hierarchy.
- Deleting a feature
Delete features when they are unused or no longer relevant.
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