Resolving conflicts in the Merge Branches wizard
To resolve the conflicts for a rule, complete the following steps:
- Examine the conflicts reported for the rule in the Conflicts and Warnings window.
- Click Compare next to the first conflict to examine the differences between your branch copy of the rule and the one in the base ruleset. Alternatively, click the ruleset name to open the base rule and directly examine it.
- Review and resolve all of the differences between the base rule and your branch rule.
- If the changes are minor (such as a typo), open your branch rule and apply the same changes to it so that it matches the base rule.
- If the changes are more complex, or if they conflict with the choices or logic in your branch rule, contact the individual who modified the base rule and negotiate what the final set of changes should be and the testing procedure for testing them. After reaching a mutual decision, make the agreed-upon changes in your branch rule and test.
- When changes to your branch rule are completed and tested, select the Mark as Resolved check box to indicate you have resolved the conflict.
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