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Troubleshooting tools and techniques

Updated on November 15, 2021

Maintain good quality and health of your application by using troubleshooting tools and techniques that Pega Platform provides. You can view application metrics to locate any issues, and then fix them, so that you deliver top quality application.

  • Troubleshooting newly created rules

    If there are issues with copying a rule or data instance, see the following information for troubleshooting help.

  • Troubleshooting long-lived clipboard pages

    Clipboard pages that remain unused for long periods could indicate a design or implementation flaw that can hurt performance. For example, the application created a page but neglected to use the Page-Remove method to remove the page after it was no longer needed.

  • Finding the class of a rule

    You can view XML data to find the class of a rule. By understanding which class defines a rule, you can more efficiently use tools such as the Application Explorer and Report Editor.

  • Application debugging using the Tracer tool

    You can test and debug your applications by using the Tracer tool. You can test and debug activities, data transforms, decision rules, service rules, parse rules, and processes. You can select which rulesets, rules, and events to trace; set breakpoints and watch variables; trace reference properties; select which requestor session to trace; and add custom events to Tracer output. You can also troubleshoot offline-enabled applications in a browser by testing scripts that are running when the application is running.

  • Clipboard tool

    Every connected Pega Platform requestor (including browser-based users, even unauthenticated guest users) has an associated temporary memory area on the server known as the clipboard. The clipboard has a hierarchical structure, consisting of nodes known as pages, most of which have a name and an associated class. Pages act as buffers or temporary copies of object instances (of that class) that are copied from, or might later be stored into, the Pega Platform database or another database.

  • Log files tool

    In the Log files tool you can view or download the current log files on the server node that you currently access. Analyzing log files helps you make informed decision when you manage your applications, as well as identify any issues. As a result, you deliver an application that runs correctly and avoid exposing your users to errors.

  • My Alerts display

    You can view the current Alert log on the server node produced by your own requestor session by using the My Alerts display. Select Issues from the Dev Studio developer toolbar.

  • Viewing and resolving errors

    Errors appear if you save a form and the system detects one or more errors.

  • Viewing in-progress and completed wizards

    You can find all wizards that have been started on the All Wizards landing page. You can use this landing page to clean up incomplete wizards.

  • Creating connector simulators

    With the Connect Simulator functionality, test connect rules in flows and from data pages before the actual data source is implemented, or when it is not available.

  • Testing regular expressions

    Use the Regular Expression tester to test whether a text pattern matches the regular expression.

  • The DateTime parse tester tool

    Use the Date/Time Parse Tester tool to test whether a text input matches the DateTime patterns used by Pega Platform, which are based directly on Java standards.

  • About the bulk Revalidate and Save tool

    You can force revalidation in bulk of selected rule or data instances of a single type.

  • Application Structure landing page

    The Application Structure landing page helps you to manage and understand the rulesets, rules, access groups, and operators that make up your Pega Platform application. Options on this page display referencing applications, allow you to invite collaborators to the development process, and provides access to other applications on the system (for operators with permission to do so).

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