Updating the organizational structure by using the organizational chart
Reflect the growth of your company by creating new elements in your organizational structure. As your organization develops, you can add new divisions, units, and sub-units that correspond with new elements of your enterprise. Maintaining an organizational structure can accelerate your application development, as you can reuse different application elements across your organization.
For a clear visualization of levels in your company, use an organizational chart to add new elements. The organizational chart displays each level with expandable sub-levels, such as a unit for a division. For example, when an Engineering division gains a new team, you can create a new unit that visualizes the new team.You can reuse rules and other elements of your application across organizational layers. For example, reuse a process for calculating expenses for an entire organization and then specify different maximum amounts for each division.
- In the header of Dev Studio, click .
- On the Organizational Chart tab, add a new
organizational element:
Choices Actions Add an organization - Right-click an existing organization.
- In the list of available options, select Add organization.
- In the Add Organization dialog box, in
the Organization field, enter the
name of your organization.Use the organization's short name, ticket symbol, or Internet domain name.
- Optional: To provide more information about your organization, in the Description field, enter additional text.
- Click OK.
Add a division - Right-click the organization to which you want to add a division.
- In the list of available options, select Add division to organization.
- In the Add Division dialog box, in the Division field, enter the name of your division.
- Optional: To provide more information about your division, in the Description field, enter additional text.
- Click OK.
Add a unit - Right-click the division to which you want to add a unit.
- In the list of available options, select Add unit to division.
- In the Add Unit dialog box, in the Unit name field, enter the name of your unit.
- Optional: To provide more information about your unit, in the Description field, enter additional text.
- Click OK.
Add a sub-unit - Right-click the unit to which you want to add a sub-unit.
- In the list of available options, select Add sub-unit to unit.
- In the Add Unit dialog box, in the Unit name field, enter the name of your unit.
- Optional: To provide more information about your sub-unit, in the Description field, enter additional text.
- Click OK.
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