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Creating a development application

Updated on January 14, 2022

To speed up application development, you can support branched development by creating a development application that is built on the production application. By providing branches for development, you ensure that different teams and team members can work on different features simultaneously, without a risk of creating errors and conflicts.

For example, different team members can work on bug fixes that correspond with two separate features but refer to the same base rule. During development, conflicts might occur. Edits made by one team member might impact the work of other developers. Creating a development application is not mandatory but can provide an uninterrupted development process, especially for large or multiple development teams that work on the same application.
For branched development, create a new application by copying an existing application. As a result, the names of classes and rulesets remain unchanged. Consequently, you can conveniently merge your changes after the development in a branch is complete.
  1. In the header of Dev Studio, click the name of the application, and then click Definition.
  2. In the rule form header, click the Down arrow next to the Save button, and then click Save as.
  3. In the Application Record Configuration section, in the Label field, enter a name of your development application.
    Team application names typically reflect the base application and team name or the focus of the team.
    For example: For a base MyBankingApp application, the development team that works on the layout of the user portal can name the development application MyBankingAppPortal.
  4. Create a unique application rule by changing the identifier:
    1. In the Identifier section, click Edit.
    2. In the dialog box that is displayed, in the text field, enter a new identifier.
    3. Click OK.
  5. Optional: To create another version of a development application that already exists, in the Version field, enter a new version number.
  6. In the Context section, in the Add to ruleset list, select a ruleset to store your edits.
    The ruleset that the system prompts by default is the ruleset in your production application. If you select a different ruleset, you are unable to add your changes directly to the production application.
  7. Click Create and open.
What to do next:
  • Previous topic Implementing branched application development
  • Next topic Adding development branches to your application

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