Modifying postprocessing behavior in the branch merge process
Enhance the branch merge process by customizing the postprocessing behavior in the Merge Branches wizard. For example, you can configure the wizard to send an email notification with the status of the merge process, to keep stakeholders in the case automatically informed about the merge status.
In the following example, you want the system to send the project lead an email notification about the status of the merge process, so you use a Utility shape and the CorrNew activity.
- In Dev Studio, in the rule form of the saved copy of the pyPostMergeInstances subprocess, check out the rule.
- In the process diagram of the pyPostMergeInstances
subprocess, add the Utility shape:
- On the Diagram tab, click Flow Shapes, and then select the Utility shape.
- Drag the Utility shape to the flow diagram, and place the shape based on the order of events in the process.
- Connect the Utility shape to the process by dragging a connector from a shape that precedes the utility activity in the process to the Utility shape, and then dragging the end point of the connector from the Utility shape to the connection point of the shape that follows the utility activity on the canvas.
- In the properties pane of the Utility shape, give a name to the shape, for
Send email to Project Lead
, and then, in the Rule field, select the CorrNew activity. - In the Parameters section, in the CorrName field, select the MergeRuleSetsStatus correspondence rule.
- In the PartyRole field, enter Project Lead.
- In the EmailSubject field, enter the following email subject: Status of Merge Branches operation.
- Submit the updated utility properties, and then save the process.
- Create a work parties rule in the PegaAccel-Management-Refactor-Instances-Merge apply to class, to define the parties that you want to receive the email. Specify the same Project Lead role that is in the Utility shape properties. For more information, see Defining case participants.
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