Creating work groups
Manage work inside your organization logically and efficiently by creating work groups. A work group connects a manager and a group of reporting users to enable relevant workflow management and improve communication.
For example, at run time, when a user misses a deadline for a task, a reporting manager receives a notification. Your application determines the manager by using a work group setting.- In the header of Dev Studio, click .
- On the Create Work Group tab, in the Short description field, briefly describe the purpose of the group.
- In the Work Group Name, enter a label for the work
group.As a best practice to provide more information in the name, append to the work group name the at sign (@), followed by your organization name.
- Click Create and open.
- On the Work group tab, in the
Settings section, provide basic information about the
work group:
- In the Manager field, enter the ID of a user who is a reporting manager for the group.
- In the Default work queue field, enter a default work queue to receive work coming into this work group.
- Click Save.
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