Adding a conditional path to a flow
You can use a connector to add a conditional path to a flow. By defining the events that cause your flow to follow different paths, you can create cases that support more than one outcome.
- Open a flow by searching for it or by using the Application Explorer. For more information, see Finding rules by class.
- Define a new path by connecting a sequence of shapes to an existing shape the flow. For more information about the different shapes that you can use, see Flow shapes.
- Configure the conditions that cause the flow to follow the new path.
- Double-click the connector that goes from the existing shape in the flow to the first shape in the new path.
- In the Condition type list, select When .
- In the When field, enter a when condition that your application evaluates at run time.
- In the Likelihood field, enter a number between 1 and 100 to control the order in which your application evaluates the connector at run time.
- Click Submit.
- Review the configuration of all other paths, or connectors, from the shape to ensure that
it supports the following best practices:
- There is only one Else connector, so that the flow can continue when no conditions return a true value.
- There are no Always connectors, which are applicable only when there is a single path from one shape to another.
- Each connector provides a unique Likelihood value.
- Click Save.
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