Setting goals and deadlines on the Service-level agreement (SLA) form
Ensure that your cases are resolved on time by defining goals, deadlines, and passed deadline actions. Complement the time intervals with increasing urgency and escalation actions.
By using the Service-level agreement (SLA) form, you can conveniently define advanced SLA options on one form, and then you can reuse your settings for multiple cases.
- To ensure that rules managed by your application do not conflict with your SLA rule, on the Goal & deadline tab, from the Use Service-level agreement (SLA) list, select Never.
- Open an SLA rule that is in the class path of your case type by clicking , and then performing one of the following actions:
- Select a rule that you want to edit.
- Create a new rule by clicking Create on the Service Level Agreement tab.
For more information about creating a rule, see Creating a rule. - On the General tab, in the Initial
urgency field, define the urgency for the assignment that you can associate
with the rule by entering an integer between 0 and 99.An assignment has a default urgency of 10. The system adds the value in this field to arrive at the initial urgency. For example, if you enter 10, the initial urgency is 20.
- From the Assignment ready list, select an option to define the
starting time for the assignment:
- To send the assignment to a worklist or a work queue immediately after it is created, select Immediately.
- To define the starting time by using a DateTime value, select Dynamically defined on a property, and then in the Get Date Time From field, enter the property that references the value.
- To start the assignment after a specific period of time, select Timed delay, and then in the Days, Hours, and Minutes fields, specify the delay.
- In the Calculate service levels field, select a method of
calculating intervals for goal and deadline:
- To specify the intervals manually, select Interval from when assignment is ready, and then in the Goal and Deadline sections, in the Days, Hours, and Minutes fields, enter the intervals.
- To define the time intervals as values of properties, select Set the value of a property, and then in the Goal and Deadline sections, in the Property fields, enter the properties that reference goal and deadline dates times.
- Optional: In the Passed deadline section, define the number of the passed deadline events and the time when the passed deadline events occur.
- In the Amount to increase urgency field, enter the amount to
increase the urgency when the time interval passes.The maximum urgency for the assignment is 100, which is the sum of the initial and increased urgencies.
- Optional: Define an escalation action that occurs after goal, deadline, or passed deadline elapses. For more information, see Defining an escalation action for an unresolved case.
- Click Save.
- Open the pyDefault data transform in the class of your case type by
clicking .The data transform runs each time that a case is created.
- Set the value of the pySLAName property to the name of your SLA rule.
- Click Save.
Previous topic Setting service-level agreements (SLAs) for stages, processes, and steps Next topic Creating a service-level agreement (SLA) rule