Adding decisions to processes
Make your business processes flexible and responsive by providing conditional paths that a case can follow to reach a resolution. By adding a decision point to your case, you support more than one outcome for your business process, and adjust the case to changing business needs and circumstances.
- In the navigation pane of App Studio, click Case types, and then click the case type that you want to open.
- In the case working area, on the Workflow tab, click Life cycle.
- In the Case life cycle section, hover over a process in a stage, and then click the Configure process icon.
- Above the canvas, click the Add a flow shape icon, and then click Decision.
- In the Decision shape, click [Decision], and then replace the default label with a descriptive name.
- Drag the Decision shape onto the canvas, to a position where the decision occurs in the process.
- Connect the Decision shape to the process:
- Drag a connector from a shape that precedes the decision in the process to the Decision shape.
- Drag the end point of the connector from the Decision shape to the connection point of the shape that follows the decision on the canvas.
- Click the Decision shape.
- In the Decision shape property panel, define at least one conditional path:
Choices Actions Create a custom condition - In the When list, select Custom condition.
- Click the Configure conditions icon.
- In the Configure condition window, select a condition, a comparator, and a value to compare with the condition.
- Optional: To define more conditions, click the Add row icon, and then repeat substep 9.c.
- Optional: To group the conditions, select comparators from the list.
- Optional: To reuse the condition in the future, click .
- Click Submit.
Use an existing condition - In the When list, select Existing condition.
- In the list of conditions, select a condition.
- In the Go to list, select the shape to which the process advances when the case meets the conditions that you define.
- In the Otherwise go to list, select the alternative shape to which the process advances when the case does not meet the conditions.
- Click Save.
- Types of decision logic
You can use different types of logic when you add the Decision shape to a flow. By understanding what makes each type unique, you can create flows that make decisions more effectively.
- Changing the decision logic in a flow
You can change the way that you implement a decision in a process. By using a rule instead of a series of when conditions to define your decision logic, you can create cases that support complex decisions and are easier to maintain.
Previous topic Changing the path of a process Next topic Types of decision logic