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Creating ad hoc cases

Updated on May 11, 2022
Applicable to Theme Cosmos and Theme UI-Kit applications

You can handle business exceptions or track related tasks in your current case by creating an ad hoc case. Using an ad hoc case, you can resolve exceptional processes without modifying the existing case structure because ad hoc cases are not instances of a case type. For example, a case worker, such as a human resources employee, can create an ad hoc case when an application from a job candidate requires an additional background check.

Before you begin: Ensure that your dashboard includes the My Cases widget. For more information, see Adding a widget to your dashboard.
  1. Log in to an end-user portal, for example, User Portal.
  2. In the My Cases widget, in the Create an ad hoc case text field, enter a name for your ad hoc case.
    For example: Enter Additional background check:
    Creating a new ad hoc case
    Creating a new ad hoc case from the Quick create action on the My Cases widget.
  3. Click Quick create.
  4. Add tasks to the ad hoc case:
    1. In the My cases list, double-click the name of the newly created ad hoc case.
    2. In the case Summary pane, click Actions, and then select Create tasks.
    3. In the Ad hoc case dashboard section, click Add a task, and then specify instructions for the task, an assignee, and a deadline.
      Adding tasks to a new ad hoc case
      Adding tasks to a new ad hoc case.
    4. Click Submit.
Result: Your application displays the tasks in the To do list in the Activities area of the case. Users can add notes upon completing the task. If you create multiple tasks in an ad hoc case, your application displays the next task after the user resolves the current task.

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