Creating a service-level agreement (SLA) rule
Enforce service-level agreements (SLAs) and maintain timely resolution of cases by defining the goal, deadline, and passed deadline time intervals. By creating an SLA rule, you can quickly reuse the SLA settings for multiple assignments.
For example, you can notify a manager about a passed goal and deadline, and then transfer the assignment to another user. You then can reuse the setting for multiple cases and assignments, and as a result, manage time and resources efficiently.For relevant training materials, see the Completing work on time module on Pega Academy.
Creating an SLA rule in Dev Studio is
appropriate for only advanced developers. To take advantage of low-code tools, define SLAs in
App Studio. For more information, see Setting service-level agreements (SLAs) for case resolution and Setting service-level agreements (SLAs) for stages, processes, and steps.
- Create an SLA rule:
- In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click Records.
- Expand the Process category, and then click Service Level Agreement.
- In the Label field, enter a short description for the rule.
- In the Context section, select an application to which the rule applies.
- In the Apply to field, select a class to which the rule applies.
- In the Add to ruleset field, select a ruleset for the rule.
- Optional: To enable traceability of the rule, in the Current work item section, enter the work item to associate with the rule, for example, a bug ID.
- Click Create and open.
- On the General tab, in the Initial
urgency field, define the urgency for the assignment that you can associate
with the rule by entering an integer between 0 and 99.An assignment has the default urgency of 10. The system adds the value in this field to arrive at the initial urgency.
- In the Assignment ready list, define the starting time for
the assignment:
- To send the assignment to a worklist or a work queue immediately after the user or an automation creates an assignment, select Immediately.
- To define the starting time by using a Date/Time value, select Dynamically defined on a property, and then, in the Get Date Time From field, enter the property that references the value.
- To start the assignment after a period of time, select Timed delay, and then, in the Days, Hours, and Minutes fields, specify the delay.
- In the Service level definitions section, in the
Calculate service levels field, select a method of calculating
intervals for goal and deadline:
- To manually specify the intervals, select Interval from when assignment is ready, and then, in the Goal and Deadline sections, enter the intervals.
- To define the time intervals as values of properties, select Set the value of a property, and then, in the Goal and Deadline sections, in the Property fields, enter the properties that reference goal and deadline dates and times.
- Optional: To facilitate timely resolution of work, define escalation actions that occur when the
goal and deadline pass:
- In the Amount to increase urgency field, enter the number that an application adds to the initial urgency then the time interval passes.
- In the Actions section, in the Select action row, click Edit.
- In the Perform action list, select an action that occurs
when the time interval passes, and then provide relevant details if necessary.
- Optional: To perform the escalation action only under specific circumstances, in the When field, enter a when rule.
- Optional: To add more escalation actions, click Add an action, and then repeat steps 5.a through 5.d.
- Optional: To define the number of the passed deadline events and the time when the passed deadline events occur, in the Passed deadline section, enter the appropriate values.
- Click Save.
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