Creating a stand-alone question with a single answer
Support information gathering when a case is offline by creating a stand-alone, single-answer question, which you can reference outside the context of a questionnaire. For example, during a conversation with a customer service representative (CSR), you can ask the customer a single question about their satisfaction with the CSR's service.
- In the header of Dev Studio, click .
- Click the Questions tab.
- Click .
- In the Name field, enter a unique name that describes the purpose of the question, for example, enter Employee address.
- Optional: To change the scope of the question, expand the Context section
and provide a different class name, ruleset name, or ruleset version.The scope controls which rules can reference your question and which rules your question can reference.
- Optional: To manage your questions efficiently, in the Category field, you can enter a category for the question, for example, enter CustomerService.
- In the Question layout list, select how your application sources
the text of the question:
Choices Actions Plain text that you provide - Select Plain Text.
- In the text editor, enter the text of the question.
Rich text that you provide - Select Rich text.
- In the Question text field, enter your question.
- Optional: To make the output of the question more accurate, apply formatting to your text.
Custom HTML rule - Select Custom HTML.
- In the Custom HTML field, enter the name of the rule that contains a custom HTML question.
A section rule in your application - Select Section.
- In the Section reference field, enter the name of the rule that contains a section that you want to reuse.
A paragraph rule in your application - Select Paragraph.
- In the Section reference field, enter the name of the rule that contains a section that you want to reuse.
- If you provide a text box for the answer, in the Answer presentation
settings section, define how your questionnaire displays the text box:
- In the Default field, enter the default text of the answer.
- In the Size of text box field, enter the maximum length for the answer, measured in characters and spaces.
- If you provide a date picker for the answer, in the Answer presentation settings section, in the Default field, enter the default date.
- If you provide a date-time picker for the answer, in the Answer presentation settings section, in the Default field, enter the default date and time.
- If you provide a text area for a long answer or a comment, in the Answer
presentation settings section, define how your questionnaire displays the
long answer:
- In the Default field, enter the default text of the answer.
- In the Rows field, enter the height of the text area, measured in characters.
- In the Columns field, enter the width of the text area.
- If you provide a custom drop-down list for the answer, in the Drop down
type list, select Prompt list, and then provide
- Optional: In the When column, enter a when condition that controls whether your application displays the choice.
- In the Display value column, enter a label for the choice.
- In the Score column, enter a score value that your application stores when the user selects the response.
- Optional: To select an answer by default, in the selected column, select the radio button.
- Optional: To add another answer, click Add a row.
- If you provide a predefined drop-down list for the answer, in the Drop down
type list, select Data page, and then provide
- In the Data page field, enter a data page that returns a list of options.
- Optional: To pass parameters that the data page supports, in the Value field, enter the parameters.
- In the Property for value field, enter a property on the data page that stores the options for the list.
- Optional: To customize the labels of the choices, in the Property for display text field, enter a property on the data page that contains the labels.
- If you provide check boxes for the answer, in the Answer presentation settings section, in the Score field, enter a score value that your application stores when the user selects the check box.
- If you provide custom radio buttons for the answer, in the Radio button
source list, select Prompt list, and then provide
- In the When column, enter a when condition that controls whether your application displays the choice.
- In the Display Value column, enter a label for the choice.
- In the Score column, enter a score value that your application stores when the user selects the response.
- Optional: To select an answer by default, in the selected column, select the radio button.
- Optional: To add another answer, click Add a row.
- If you provide predefined radio buttons for the answer, in the Radio button
source list, select Data page, and then provide
- In the Data page field, enter a data page that returns a list of options.
- Optional: To pass parameters that the data page supports, in the Value field, enter the parameters.
- In the Property for value field, enter a property on the data page that stores the options for the list.
- Optional: To customize the labels of the choices, in the Property for display text field, enter a property on the data page that contains the labels.
- If you provide a slider for the answer, in the Answer section,
define the parameters of the slider:
- In the Starting range field, enter the minimum numerical value for the scale, for example, enter 1.
- In the Ending range field, enter the maximum numerical value for the scale, for example, enter 7.
- In the Interval field, enter the numerical interval between the possible values on the scale, for example, enter 1.
- Optional: To preset the answer to the question, enter a value in the Default value field, for example, enter 5.
- Optional: To show possible values on the slider, select the Show captions check box.
- If you provide a custom section for the answer, in the Answer presentation settings section, in the Section reference field, enter a section that displays fields for the user to enter a response.
- In the Map to property list, select a property in the data model
that stores the answer.
- Optional: To ensure that the information that users provide is accurate and in an expected format by displaying an error message in your questionnaire when the answer is invalid, in the Answer section, in the Answer validation field, enter the name of a validation rule.
- Optional: To encourage questionnaire participants to provide complete answers, configure a warning. For more information, see Displaying a warning in a questionnaire.
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