Installing, patching, or updating Pega software
After you push the required Docker images to your preferred Docker repository, you
install Pega Platform software into your database when you initially
deploy Pega Platform into your Kubernetes environment. After you have a
deployment running, you can patch or update your Pega software using the latest Docker
images. Pega provides step-by-step guidance in example runbooks that are customized for each
supported Kubernetes environment. These runbooks guide you through preparation of
your local system for the prerequisite configurations that Kubernetes deployments in
your preferred environment require; requesting and subsequently downloading
Pega-provided Docker images; and installing or patching, with zero downtime, your
Pega software deployment. To get started deploying in your environment, access the
appropriate runbook in Supported Kubernetes environments. To deploy Pega Platform, Pega provides Helm charts in which you
specify the requirements of the Pega deployment for your environment. You then use
Helm to deploy all the required Kubernetes resources automatically. Pega maintains a repository of Helm charts that are required to install, apply a
patch, or update Pega Platform using Helm. After you add the
repository to your local system, you can customize these Pega configuration files
for your Pega Platform deployment. To get started using the
Pega-provided Helm charts for deploying Pega Platform into the
cloud environment of your choice, see Pega deployment on Kubernetes. To deploy Pega Platform by using the Pega-provided Helm charts you
must update the parameters in the following three charts: For more general details about how to use Helm and Helm charts to manage Kubernetes
orchestrations, see the Helm Quickstart Guide. To avoid directly entering your passwords as plain text in your Helm charts, Pega supports using Kubernetes secrets to secure
credentials and related information. Use secrets to represent credentials for your
database, Docker registry, or any other token or key that you need to pass to a
deployed application. To create a secret, see the overview, Distribute Credentials Securely Using Secrets. Pega supports two methods of passing secrets to your
deployments; clients can choose the method that best suits their organization's
needs: secretKeyRef: volumes: secret: To get started applying a Pega Platform software patch to your existing deployment, see the
Pega-provided runbook Patching Pega Platform in your deployment . The Pega Helm charts support a zero-downtime updates process using the latest
Pega Infinity Docker images. The zero-downtime update
process synchronizes the required process steps to minimize downtime so you and your
customers can continue to access and use their applications in your environment with
minimal disruption while you patch or update your system. To update Pega Platform software deployed in a Kubernetes
environment in zero-downtime, you must download the latest -provided-provided images
for the version to which you are updating and use the Helm chart with versions
1.6.0 or later to complete the update. To learn about how the update process works
and its requirements and the steps you must complete, see the Pega-provided runbook, Updating Pega Platform in your deployment with zero-downtime. To complete your Pega Infinity update, after you update your Pega Platform software using the Pega-provided Helm charts and Docker images, you must use the latest Pega application software update guide that is separate
from Pega Platform software. For the update instructions, search
for your update guide available on the Pega Documentation home page; find you industry
application guides using the Find your product pulldown. Configure diagnostic logging for Pega Platform deployments in your
Kubernetes environment to help you diagnose a problem you might encounter when installing,
patching or update Pega Platform in your client-managed
deployment. The Pega Helm chart leverages the Pega Platform deployment scripts,
which use Apache’s Log4j 2 logging framework. The Log4j configuration is stored in an
xml file called For more information on how deployment logging works for Pega Platform, and to see
loggers that can be enabled, see . If you have the Pega helm chart checked out directly, you can modify the
If you cannot modify the helm chart files and you can only pass in helm values, you will
need to provide a replacement Using Pega runbooks specific to your environment
Getting the Pega charts
Helm Chart parameters
Best practices for managing configuration using secrets
Pega requires you to copy both files into the
directory of
your Helm repository and then reference the secret name in the Pega Helm
chart using the jdbc.external_secret_name
parameter to
refer to the External Secret Operator in which you placed your database
password.Pass secrets manually to your deployment:
Type Configuration Example Credentials using environment variables env:
key: usernameCredentials using volume mount containers:
volumeMounts:Installing other Pega applications
After you
install Pega Platform using the installer Docker that you built, you
can install additional Pega applications using the standard application installation
process with an application distribution image you download from the Pega-managed sopftware release site. For the installation
instructions, search for your installation guide available on the Pega Documentation home page; find you industry application guides using the Find your product
pulldown.Applying a patch to your Pega Platform deployment
Pega supports using the latest
Pega Infinity Docker images that include the latest cumulative
bundle of bug and security fixes since the last minor release to apply patches with a
zero-time patch process:
Applying a Pega Platform patch includes only rule changes that
are observed between the patch and the current version. For complete details about the
difference between a major update, a minor update, and a patch, see Updating and patching Pega Infinity.Updating the Pega software in your deployment
Configuring logging for Client-managed cloud deployments
. With the Helm chart, you can
customize the Log4j configuration, which allows you to add additional debug logging
during deployments. Generally, this does not need to be changed, but can be modified if
necessary to capture additional debug logging.prlog4j2.xml
file found here: .
The file can be modified in the same way as described in the referenced Pega Platform logging article.prlog4j2.xml
file and mount it into
the installation image. The location for the prlog4j2.xml
file is
controlled by the prlogging.config
property, referenced in . To set this value, set the helm chart parameter
to a json object containing
name-value pairs. For example, you can provide:helm install mypega pega/pega --namespace mypega --values pega.yaml --set installer.advancedSettings=[{"name": "prlogging.config", "value": "/path/to/mounted/prlog4j2.xml"}]
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