Creating a discount using CAR data in Pega Customer Decision Hub
As a marketing analyst, use the Customer Analytics Record (CAR) provided by Pega Customer Decision Hub in a spreadsheet format to help design and formulate new offers in Next-Best-Action Designer.
For example, if you want to create a monthly discount for customers who have been with your company for more than two years, you need to know how long your customers have been with you.
For more information about the Discount action, see Adding and editing an example of a Discount action.
In the spreadsheet, find the relevant data.
In this example case, search for the RelationshipStart property.In Next-Best-Action Designer, use the RelationshipStart property to directly define the eligibility conditions for the discount offer.
In Pega Next-Best-Action Advisor, create the discount offer for your long-term customers.
See Creating actions for Bundle Negotiator in Next-Best-Action Advisor and use the Communications Customer Analytical Data Model spreadsheet to match your offer criteria to the properties.
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