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Database schema for email bot tables

Updated on September 7, 2021

In Pega Platform 8.5 and later, Pega Email Bot™ uses two new tables that list complete information about email triage cases and captured actions performed for triage cases in the system. The system uses the information stored in these tables to display the built-in reports for the email bot. As a result, with the information from the reports, you can adjust the machine learning models to attain greater automation in the system.

You can also create custom reports for the email bot, if you extend the columns in the two new tables by running data transforms.

pc_work_triage table

The pc_work_triage table for the Work-Channel-Triage class stores complete information about email triage cases for the email bot. In Pega Platform 8.4 and earlier, the system stores email triage cases in the pc_work table. When you update to Pega Platform 8.5 and later, the system automatically performs migration of resolved and open triage cases for the email bot from the old pc_work table to the new pc_work_triage table. If you expose additional properties as columns in the old table, before your start the update process extend the pyPopulateColumnNamesExtension data transform with this information. For more information, see Migrating triage cases to new tables.

The pc_work_triage table consists of the following columns:

ColumnDescriptionData typeLength
pxcommitdatetimeThe time and date when the case was committed.Timestamp
pxsavedatetimeThe time and date when the case was last saved.Timestamp
pxcoverinskeyThe cover ins key.Charactervar (255)
pxcoveredcountThe covered count.Numericnum (18,0)
pxcoveredcountopenThe open covered count.Numericnum (18,0)
pxcoveredcountunsatisfiedThe unsatisfied covered count.Numericnum (18,0)
pxcreatedatetimeThe time and date when the case was created.Timestamp
pxcreateopnameThe name of the operator that created the case.Charactervar (128)
pxcreateoperatorThe operator that created the case.Charactervar (128)
pxcreatesystemidThe identifier of the system that created the case.Charactervar (32)
pxflowcountThe flow count.Numericnum (18,0)
pxinsnameThe ins name.Charactervar (128)
pxobjclassThe name of the class object.Charactervar (96)
pxupdatedatetimeThe time and date when the case was updated.Timestamp
pxupdateopnameThe name of the operator that updated the case.Charactervar (128)
pxupdateoperatorThe operator who updated the case.Charactervar (128)
pxupdatesystemidThe identifier of the system that performed an update.Charactervar (32)
pyagefromdateThe from date.Timestamp
pydescriptionThe description of the case type.Charactervar (255)
pyeffortactualThe actual effort.Numericnum (18,0)
pyeffortestimateThe estimated effort.Numericnum (18,0)
pyeffortestimatetimestampThe estimated effort time and date.Timestamp
pyelapsedpastdeadlineThe elapsed time when the case is past the SLA deadline.Numericnum (18,0)
pyelapsedpastgoalThe elapsed time when the case is past the SLA goal.Numericnum (18,0)
pyelapsedstatusnewThe elapsed time when the case status is new.Numericnum (18,0)
pyelapsedstatusopenThe elapsed time when the case status is open.Numericnum (18,0)
pyelapsedstatuspendingThe elapsed time when the case status is pending.Numericnum (18,0)
pyeventidThe identifier of the event for the case.Charactervar (32)
pyidThe identifier of the case.Charactervar (32)
pylabelThe label of the case.Charactervar (64)
pyorigdivisionThe division of the user who created the case.Charactervar (32)
pyorigorgThe organization of the user who created the case.Charactervar (32)
pyorigorgunitThe organizational unit of the user who created the case.Charactervar (32)
pyoriguserdivisionThe division of the user who created the case.Charactervar (32)
pyoriguseridThe identifier of the user who created the case.Charactervar (128)
pyoriguserworkgroupThe work group of the user who created the case.Charactervar (64)
pyownerdivisionThe division of the user who is the owner.Charactervar (32)
pyownerorgThe organization of the user who is the owner.Charactervar (32)
pyownerorgunitThe organizational unit of the user who is the owner.Charactervar (32)
pyreopencountThe number of open cases.Numericnum (18,0)
pyreopentimestampThe time and date when the case was opened.Timestamp
pyresolutioncostThe cost of the resolution.Numericnum (18,0)
pyresolveddivisionThe division of the user who resolved the case.Charactervar (32)
pyresolvedorgThe organization of the user who resolved the case.Charactervar (32)
pyresolvedorgunitThe organizational unit of the user who resolved the case.Charactervar (32)
pyresolvedtimeThe time of resolution.Charactervar (32)
pyresolvedtimestampThe time and date of the resolution.Timestamp
pyresolveduseridThe identifier of the user who resolved the case.Charactervar (128)
pyresolveduserworkgroupThe user group of the user who resolved the case.Charactervar (64)
pysladeadlineThe time and date of the service-level agreement (SLA) deadline.Timestamp
pyslagoalThe time and date of the service-level agreement (SLA) goal.Timestamp
pyslanameThe name of the service-level agreement (SLA).Charactervar (32)
pystatusworkThe current status of the work item.Charactervar (32)
pyurgencyadjustmentThe urgency adjustment.Numericnumeric (18,0)
pxcurrentstagelabelThe name of the current stage of the case type.Charactervar (128)
pxcurrentstageThe current stage of the case type.Charactervar (32)
pzinskeyThe ins key.Charactervar (255)
pxapplicationThe application identifier.Charactervar (64)
pxapplicationversionThe version of the application.Charactervar (32)
pzpvstreamThe PVS stream.Byte
pymodificationdatetimeThe time and date of last modification.Timestamp
pyapplicationThe name of the application.Charactervar (64)
pyowneruseridThe identifier of the owner.Charactervar (128)
pyslaactionThe service-level agreement (SLA) action.Timestamp
pxstagelabel The name of the stage for the case type.Charactervar (128)
pxstageThe stage for the case type.Charactervar (32)
pyCurrentSentimentThe sentiment of the latest email received from a user.Charactervar (32)
pyBaseLanguageThe detected language of the email received from a user.Charactervar (64)
pyAccountIdThe account identifier for the Email channel.Charactervar (64)
pyPrimaryTopicThe detected topic, the subject matter of the received email.Charactervar (64)
pySenderNameThe name of the user who sent the email.Charactervar (256)
pySenderEmailThe email address of the user who sent the email.Charactervar (128)
pyChannelClassThe name of the class for the Email channel.Charactervar (128)
pyChannelIDThe identifier of the Email channel.Charactervar (256)
pyCustomerInteractionSequenceThe customer interaction sequence.Numericnumeric (18,0)
pzInteractionCaseVerThe Pega Platform version.Charactervar (32)

pr_index_tracktriageactions table

The pr_index_tracktriageactions table for the Index-TrackTriageActions class stores information about captured actions that are performed on a triage case in the system. The system uses the data stored in columns for this table to display the built-in or custom reports for your email bot. The table includes several essential columns that you can use to generate custom reports. You generate a custom report by first configuring the pyAddTriageActionExtension data transform to add custom columns to this table, and then running the data transform when you want to generate a custom report.

Note: You can also extend the pr_index_tracktriageactions table to generate reports for Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs), for example, IVA for Legacy Webchat.

The pr_index_tracktriageactions table consists of the following columns:

ColumnDescriptionData typeLength
pxinsindexedkeyThe ins index key.Charactervar (255)
pxindexcountThe count of the index.Numericnumeric (18,0)
pxindexpurposeThe purpose index.Charactervar (32)
pxcommitdatetimeThe date and time when the commit occurred.Timestamp
pxsavedatetimeThe saved date and time.Timestamp
pxinsnameThe ins name.Charactervar (128)
pxobjclassThe object class.Charactervar (128)
pyActionTypeThe triage action type: Case, Reply, RouteOp, RouteWQ.Charactervar (64)
pyActionModeThe triage action mode: Manual, Automatic.Charactervar (32)
pyTargetThe target name for the operator ID or work queue ID that also includes the case type class name.Charactervar (128)
pyTargetIDThe target ID with case ID and pulse ID.Charactervar (64)
pyThreadCountThe thread count for email.Decimalnumeric (18,0)
pyTriageActionSequenceThe triage action sequence number.Decimalvar (18,0)
pyAccountIDThe account identifier for the Email channel.Charactervar (64)
pyApplicationThe name of the application.Charactervar (64)
pyApplicationVersionThe version of the application.Charactervar (32)
pyBaseLanguageThe detected language of the email received from a user.Charactervar (64)
pyChannelClassThe name of the class for the Email channel.Charactervar (128)
pyChannelIDThe identifier of the Email channel.Charactervar (64)
pyPrimaryTopicThe detected topic, the subject matter of the received email.Charactervar (64)
pySentimentThe detected sentiment for the received email which is the same for all actions performed in the email thread.Charactervar (32)
pyWorkCreateDateTimeThe date and time when the work item was created.Timestamp
pyWorkObjClassThe class for the work item.Charactervar (128)
pyWorkObjectStatusThe work item status, for example, resolved-completed or open.Charactervar (32)
  • Previous topic Archiving resolved emails for an email bot (Pega Cloud Services)
  • Next topic Updating to the threading mechanism available in the 8.6 version

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