Updating the email bot to the 8.7.1 version
Take advantage of Pega Email Bot™ performance improvements that are available in Pega Platform version 8.7.1. As a result, you enhance how the system references email triage information, helping customers to interact with the email bot in a timely manner.
Pega Platform version 8.7.1 introduces performance improvements that help reduce the clipboard page size by not storing email body, attachments, and NLP outcome data in this page. The following data pages are now available so that you can obtain the relevant email body for an email triage or interaction case that was previously referenced in the clipboard page:
- D_pxFirstInboundEmail[ETCaseId: "ET-100"].pyBody
- D_pxLatestInboundEmail[ETCaseId: "ET-100"].pyBody
- D_pxAllInboundEmails[ETCaseId: "ET-100"].pxResults(1).pyBody
For compatibility purposes, if you update to Pega Platform 8.7.1 or higher:
- Identify rules in your Pega Platform application that refer to properties where the email body for an email triage case is referenced in the pyWorkPage clipboard page.
- Replace the references in these rules with the email body references by using one of the three new data pages.
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