Preparing a DocuSign envelope
The pyPrepareNewEnvelope data transform enables you to prepare the DocuSign envelope that has all the information that is required to make a successful signature request to DocuSign. Each request is stored in the top-level clipboard page of the Pega-Int-DocuSign-NewEnvelope class that is populated in the pyPrepareNewEnvelope data transform.
You can override this data transform to insert data that was collected during case processing.
In the header of Dev Studio, search for and select the pyPrepareNewEnvelope data transform.
On the Definition tab, configure the following steps according to your business needs:
Step number Description 2.2 Call the data transform and extension point pySetEnvelopeCredentials to provide the account ID, user name, password, and integration key. It is a best practice to use an encrypted account ID and user name from the DocuSign Admin panel when adding an integration key.
2.4.1 Set an email summary for your outgoing signature request message. 2.4.2 Set an email subject. 2.4.4 Set the overall status of the request. The "Sent" status sends the envelope. 2.4.6 Set the options that control envelope and recipient responses. A DocuSign Connect needs to be configured for the system to send notifications to your Pega Platform application. Register for envelope events. You can register for the document events "Sent," "Delivered," "Completed," "Declined," and "Voided." You can implement specialized business logic to execute upon the receipt of these envelope events by using the document event extension points. By default, the system registers for the "Completed" event. After all the recipients sign your documents, DocuSign returns the documents to your application and attaches them to your work object. Register for recipient events. You can register for the recipient events "Sent," "Delivery, "Failed," "Delivered," "Signed/Completed," "Declined," and "Authentication failure." You can implement specialized business logic to execute on receipt of these recipient events by using the recipient event extension points. By default, the system registers for the "Delivered" event.
2.4.10 Set the documents that you want to send to the DocuSign service for signature. By default, all documents that are currently attached to the case are sent to DocuSign. If this is the desired behavior, do not modify this step. 2.4.12 Call the pyAssignRecipientsToEnvelope data transform to set the recipients of your documents.
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