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BIX extraction overview

Updated on November 23, 2022

Extract data from your Pega Platform application using the Business Intelligence Exchange (BIX) Extract rule.

After enabling the built-in BIX ruleset to your application, BIX extractions are made available in Pega Platform. For details, see Enabling the BIX ruleset.

A BIX extraction, also referred to as an extraction or extraction process, extracts and exports Pega Platform class data in XML, CSV, or database schema format. The application accomplishes the BIX extraction process through an Extract or Job Scheduler rule. For details, see Extract rules overview.

Each Extract rule extracts data from a single class. BIX extractions may be run manually from the Extract rule or automatically through the Job Scheduler rule. All extractions must occur from the same database. A single extraction process cannot concurrently extract from multiple databases or different database instances on the same machine. Each extraction process can have only a single data source. You can run different extraction processes, extracting from multiple Pega Platform databases, concurrently.

Note: If you run Pega Platform in a client-managed cloud environment, refer to the on-premises BIX documentation.

BIX functionality for each deployment

FunctionalityPega Cloud ServicesOn-premises and client-managed cloud
BIX extractions run through the Extract rule

BIX extractions run through Job Scheduler rule calling pxExtractDataWithArgs for multiple extraction processes

Command-line processes run from any server with privileges to the source database and destination database

BIX extractions pulled to Pega Cloud Services file repository using Pega SFTP Service

BIX extractions pushed to your enterprise SFTP service using an FTP listener

Extraction process variations for each deployment

FunctionalityPega Cloud ServicesOn-premises and client-managed cloud

CSV & XML extraction

  • Extractions have default location of Pega Cloud File Storage repository. Integration with SFTP allows clients to pull extractions from repository to enterprise SFTP service.

  • Extractions configured with dynamic system settings can incorporate a listener to push data generated from local utility nodes to FTP location.

Extractions default to local filepath.

Database Schema

  • Extractions require an external database instance with read-only privileges created with a Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) URL.

  • Extractions to database use a data description language (DDL) to define database schema. The Extract rule form provides a link to share with your database administrator for the DDL schema.
  • Extractions require an external database instance with read-only privileges created with a Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) URL.

  • Extractions to database use a data description language (DDL) to define database schema. You provide a local filepath to create the DDL schema to share with your database administrator.

> Platform restrictions
  • The BIX ruleset version you enable in your application ruleset must reflect your Pega Platform version, including after you upgrade Pega Platform. For more information about enabling BIX with the correct ruleset version, see Enabling the BIX ruleset and Upgrading BIX.
  • For database schema extract files: The BIX extraction destination database must be supported by your Pega Platform version.
  • The destination database requires a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) running a Java version in parity with the Pega Platform Java version. For more information about external database connections, see Creating and updating external database instances with JDBC URLs.
  • If you are using ANT for on-premises command-line extractions, it must be version 1.5 or higher. Version 1.7.1 or higher is recommended.

  • Enabling the BIX ruleset

    Pega Platform includes the Business Intelligence Exchange (BIX) ruleset with standard installations as an optional add-on product. Contact your Pega Account Executive to ensure that your license includes BIX access. Your application disables the BIX ruleset by default. Enable the Extract rule by adding the BIX ruleset to your application ruleset after purchase through the following steps:

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