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Mapping the data for a POST request for a Connect REST rule

Updated on November 23, 2022

Use the Request tab on the Methods tab of the Connect REST form to map data for the POST request message.

  1. In the Headers section, complete the following fields to map data for HTTP header fields.
    The data type of a header field is String.
    1. In the Name field, enter the external name of the header field.
    2. In the Description field, enter a short description of the header field.
    3. In the Map from field, specify the source or the type of source of the value:
      • Select Clipboard to map to the page name or property on the clipboard specified by the Map from key field.
      • Select Constant to specify that the data is a fixed value that does not change.
    4. In the Map from key field, specify the key for locating the property or the rule in the destination that is specified in the Map from field:
      • If you map from Clipboard, enter the property name from which the data is mapped at run time.
      • If you map from Constant, enter the value of the constant and enclose it in quotation marks.
  2. In the Additional query string parameters section, complete the following fields to specify name and value pairs to append as a query string to the resource URL of the target system.
    1. In the Name field, enter the name to use for the parameter. The data type of a query string parameter is String.
    2. In the Description field, enter a short description of the parameter.
    3. In the Map from field, specify the source or the type of source of the value in Pega Platform. For descriptions of the Map from options, see the definition of the Map from field in step 1c.
    4. In the Map from key field, specify the key for locating the property or rule in the source that is specified in the Map from field. For descriptions of the Map from key options, see the definition of the Map from key field in step 1d.
  3. In the Message data section, complete the following fields to map the response data from the message.
    1. In the Description field, enter a short description of the string in the response. The data type of the message data is String.
    2. In the Map from field, specify the source or the type of source of the value:
      • Select Clipboard to specify that the source is a property or a page on the clipboard.
      • Select Constant to specify that the source is a fixed value.
      • Select XML Stream to specify that the source is a stream of XML data formatted by an XML Stream rule.
      • Select HTML Stream to specify that the source is a stream of HTML data formatted by an HTML rule.
      • Select JSON to specify that the source is a stream of JSON data formatted from a Page or Page List property.
    3. Optional: When you select JSON in the Map from field, the Use fast processing check box is displayed. For complex JSON structures, if the clipboard structure exactly matches the JSON structure, selecting Use fast processing improves processing speed. For this option to work properly, use the following guidelines when configuring your data model:
      • The JSON property names and the clipboard property names must match.
      • The JSON tree structure and the clipboard tree structure must be similar.
      • The scalar arrays in JSON must be mapped to the clipboard as page lists.
      • Multi-dimensional arrays must be mapped into page lists of page lists with the same embedded property names.
      Note: Page groups, value groups, and Java objects are not supported.
    4. Optional: When you select Clipboard in the Map from field, the Map as field is displayed. If the content is mapped from a Java object property that contains a byte array, select Binary otherwise, select Text.
    5. In the Map from key field, specify the key for locating the property or rule in the source that is specified in the Map from field:
      • If you map from Clipboard, enter the reference to the property from which the data is mapped at run time.
      • If you map from Constant, enter a literal text string. To include blank spaces in your text string, enclose the string in double-quotation marks.
      • If you map from XML Stream, enter either the Stream name (second key) of the appropriate XML Stream rule or a page name and stream name by using the syntax PageName.StreamName. (The page must be on the clipboard when the connector rule runs for rule resolution to find the rule.) If you specify only the stream name, the system uses the class that applies to this connector rule as the first key part of the XML Stream rule.
      • If you map from HTML Stream, enter either the Stream name (second key) of the appropriate HTML rule or a page name and stream name by using the syntax PageName.StreamName. (The page must be on the clipboard when the service rule runs for rule resolution to find the rule.) If you specify only the stream name, the system uses the class that applies to this connector rule as the first key part of the HTML rule.
      • If you map from JSON, enter the reference to the property from which JSON data is generated and mapped at run time. Only properties of mode Page or Page List must be specified.
    6. Optional: Select Call is read-only to specify whether the call updates an external system. When selected, the call reads from or routes to an external system, but does not update it. When cleared, the call updates an external system.
  • Previous topic Mapping data for a PATCH response for a Connect REST rule
  • Next topic Mapping the data for a POST response for a Connect REST rule

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