Pega API services
You can call any of the Pega API services by using standard HTTP methods (for example: GET, POST, or PUT). For detailed information about request and response data requirements, see the Pega API resources page in Dev Studio or Admin Studio. This documentation is also available in JSON format in the Docs API (GET/docs).
The following Pega API services are included with Pega Platform.
- Application APIs :
- Cases API – Get a list of cases for a user, create a case, get case details, and update a specific case.
- Casetypes API – Get a list of case types for the authenticated user.
- Data API – Get the contents and metadata for a specific data page.
- DevOps APIs:
- Applications APIs – Get a list of applications, get application details, get quality and guardrail metric details, start and stop application test coverage, get Pega unit statistics (execution summary and test compliance) for the entire application or for a set of given rules.
- Branches API – Get branch conflicts, merge branches, get and create branch reviews, and get the summary for a branch.
- Merges API – Get the merge status.
- System management APIs:
- Nodes API – Start and cancel quiescence (immediate drain or slow drain)
on any node in the cluster, list the current configuration settings for
a node or the whole cluster, download the
file, and list the nodes that are in the cluster. - Caches API – Manage various caches in Pega Platform, for example, manage the in-memory VTable cache for a specific rule class and instance name; clean the cache; repopulate the cache; and get cache statistics for the authenticated user.
- Agents API – Fetch the agent list, get agent details, and start, stop, and restart agents.
- Job schedulers API – Fetch the job scheduler list, and start and stop job schedules.
- Pools API – Manage requestor pools, for example, clear a requestor pool or list all requestor pools on the specific node.
- Queue processors API – Get all queue processors, and to start and stop queue processors.
- Reports API – Get the module version, conclusion cache, log usage, MRU, property reference, database, properties, and tables reports.
- Requestors API – Get the requestor list, get requestor details, and stop and interrupt requestors.
- Loggers API – Get log categories, reset log categories, fetch logger details, and set the log level for a category.
- Nodes API – Start and cancel quiescence (immediate drain or slow drain)
on any node in the cluster, list the current configuration settings for
a node or the whole cluster, download the
- User management APIs:
- Authenticate API – Verify user credentials.
- One-time password (OTP) API – Verify an OTP and generate and send an OTP to a user.
- User API – Terminate and disable user sessions, and enable disabled users.
- Data privacy APIs:
- Client requests API – Create client requests for access, rectify, and erase.
- Data privacy metadata API – Get field names for identifying clients.
- Client usage restrictions API – Update client usage restrictions.
- The Docs API provides the complete documentation for the Pega API.
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