Pega API system management privileges
Each API in the System Management API has a specific privilege that you can add to a role to use that API. These privileges are useful when you only want a role to have access to specific APIs.
The PegaRULES:SysOpsAdministrator role contains all of the administrator privileges for the System Management API and the PegaRULES:SysOpsObserver role contains all of the observer privileges for the System Management API. You can use these roles instead of adding individual privileges to another role.
Access the System Management APIs using the following privileges:
- Usage reports
- Advanced reports – all downloads and generation except for log usage reports
pzLogLevelAdministrator and pzLogLevelObserver for all logging operations
- Get all agent information for a node
- Get agent mode
- Populate agent and ruleset names
- Trace agent now and trace agent next run
- Add node type association for agents
- Create DAQ for node types
- Associate agent to node type
pzAgentAdministrator and pzClusterAdministrator
- Stop, start, and restart agents
- Trace agent next run across the cluster
Queue management
- View item
- Remove, defer, stop, and requeue
- Remove all, defer all, stop all, and requeue all
- Active browser requestor count
- Does requestor exist
- Get ruleset list
- Get requestor details
- Get stack trace
- Get performance details
- Get ruleset for service rule
- Terminate requestor
- Start and stop requestor profiling
- Is requestor profiling started
- Get profiler file names
- Download file
- Interrupt requestor
- Terminate tracer session
- Analyze clipboard
pzRequestorObserver and pzClusterObserver
- Get requestors in cluster
pzRequestorAdministrator and pzClusterAdministrator
- Terminate rule watch
- Get clipboard size
- Trace requestor
- Add listeners for node type
- Get available listener types
- Get pzInsKey of service for listener
pzListenerObserver and pzClusterObserver
- Get available listeners
- Get running listeners
pzListenerAdministrator and pzClusterAdministrator
- Stop listener one/type/all
- Start and restart listener one/type/all
- Terminate trace for service on node/cluster
Queue process
- Get all queue processors summary
- Get queue processor status
- Requeue broken messages and requeue all broken messages
- Remove broken messages and remove all broken messages
- Defer and defer all
- Remove delayed messages and remove all delayed messages
- Stop and start queue processor
pzQueueProcessorAdministrator and pzClusterAdministrator
- Trace dedicated queue processor and trace standard queue processor
Job scheduler
- Get all job information
- Fetch current job status
- Populate job information
- Trace job now
- Get eligible node IDs for job
- Get any node ID for job
- Stop and start job
- Get complete node information
- Get node state from database
- Get cluster state from database
pzSystemInfoObserver and pzClusterObserver
- Get cluster information
- Get nodes in cluster
- Get system state
pzRequestorObserver and pzClusterObserver
- Get HTTP sessions count
System configurations
- Get prconfig file
pzSysConfObserver and pzClusterObserver
- Get configuration settings and get configuration settings in JSON
Class management
pzClassAdministrator and pzClusterObserver
- Generate module version report and lowload module version report
- Load class
There is no privilege check for clean files that are older than the API because it is called from the agent.
Cache management
- Get operations for caches
- Clear, purge, reassemble, rebuild, and create operations for any cache
pzClusterObserver and pzClusterAdministrator
- Cluster-wide cache operations
Requestor pools
pzRequestorPoolObserver and pzClusterObserver
- Get requestor pool information and get all requestor pools
- Clear requestor pools and clear requestor pool
- Clear requestor pool on all nodes and clear all requestor pools
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