Configuring the connection between Blue Prism and Pega Platform
Establish the connection between Blue Prism and your Pega Platform application by configuring the Blue Prism landing page. On the landing page, you can sync processes that you expose in Blue Prism with your Pega Platform application.
- In Dev Studio, click .
- On the Blue Prism landing page, click Configure.
- In the Edit Blue Prism settings window, complete the
following fields:
- In the Blue Prism host URL field, enter the host URL of your Blue Prism instance.
- In the Blue Prism authentication profile field, enter the name of the Basic authentication profile that you created to authenticate requests between Blue Prism and your application.
- In the Blue Prism connection timeout (in milliseconds) field, specify the amount of time that the system takes to connect to Blue Prism before timing out.
- To sync the processes you created in Blue Prism with your application, click Sync processes.
- In the Sync Blue Prism processes window, click Submit.
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