Editing data pages
Reflect your individual business needs and requirements by editing your data pages. You can create a refresh strategy, update data sources, or allow an API to query the data page.
For example, if your use case requires the ability to filter and sort data, you can specify a queryable data page.
- Changing the data source of a data page
You can easily change the data source of an existing data page without creating a new data page. For example, if you are currently using an activity to populate your data page, and you want to retrieve data from an external source instead, you can change your data source to a REST connector.
- Configuring multiple data sources for a data page
Configure multiple data sources in your data page and set parameters that determine which data source to use, so that your application gets the right data every time. By setting parameters in your data page, you eliminate the labor and maintenance cost of creating and maintaining hard-coded calls for data.
- Populating a data page by using a report definition
Data pages organize and make data from a range of sources available to your application. The data sources available include data transform, activity, connector, database lookup, robotic automation, robotic desktop automation and report definition. Report definition allows you to make your reports more adaptive and flexible by customizing them with various options. For example, you can add custom columns to your report, and then include a chart to make data analysis more efficient.
- Setting the context of a data page
A single data page can create many instances of itself and tailor each instance to the context in which you are using it in the application. This process simplifies creation and maintenance of your code, since one data page can serve multiple references.
- Specifying a queryable data page
Improve performance for data pages that are used as the source of a table by designating the data page as queryable. The data page then loads only the necessary rows from the table. When you configure a queryable data page, you can filter columns, and sort and group data.
- Specifying a searchable data page
To search for data objects that are stored on a remote system, specify a searchable data page. A request JSON queries the searchable data page source and provides the results. For example, a customer service representative searches for a customer record by using the customer phone number. The results are populated from a remote system.
- Configuring load management options for data pages
Define the behavior of data pages in your Pega Platform application when the cache is no longer valid. For example, you can indicate that the data is no longer valid after a certain amount of time, or set Pega Platform to reload the page the first time a user interacts with it.
- Defining pages and classes for a data page
As a best practice, pass data into the application by using parameters, and reference those parameters instead of top-level pages. When you request values for the parameters, a new instance of the data page loads for each distinct value of each parameter you requested. Referencing values from other top-level pages during the loading process loads stale data because the data page does not refresh when those properties change.
- Viewing the rules that reference a data page
You can view the rules that are currently using a specific data page on the Usage tab of a data page. The list displays all the applications in your application stack. If you want to modify a data page, viewing the list of rules is useful to determine which rules might be affected by the change.
- Configuring keyed access in a data page
To provide instant access to a particular page in a list-structure data page, enable keyed access. For example, you can easily access a list of products with an embedded page that holds information about a particular product.
- Error handling in a data page
Data pages store the data that cases use for populating properties, calculations or other processes. Developers determine where that data originates and how it gets to where it is supposed to be by defining data sources on the data page record.
- Populating data pages through unattended robotic automations
Simplify the integration of your application with legacy systems by using data pages to request robots to extract, move, or update data.
- Attended robotic automation as a data page source
Attended robotic automations, formerly known as robotic desktop automations (RDA), run on client desktops and automate tasks and workflows. You can use attended automations as a source for a data page when the data page is requested from a browser on a Microsoft Windows client that is running Pega Robot Runtime.
- Robotic automation status and error handling
Robot Manager enforces two levels of validation and error handling to ensure that the RPA robot returns valid data.
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