Integrating SharePoint Online with Pega Platform
When you integrate the SharePoint Online (SPO) component with your Pega Platform application, you can perform various actions on your SharePoint entities directly from your application.
Using SPO, you can create team sites and portals to share with other users, either inside or outside of your organization. SPO users can effectively collaborate with others by using any device and use SharePoint features without managing a complicated infrastructure.
The following figure shows how users interact with a Pega application, in which the SPO component data pages communicate with a SharePoint system by using the SharePoint APIs:
- Installing the SharePoint Online component
Gain access to Pega Platform rules for the SharePoint Online (SPO) integration component by installing the component in your application.
- Connecting your application to SharePoint
Ensure that your SharePoint Online integration component works correctly by configuring your SharePoint environment and Pega Platform rules that ensure successful SharePoint authentication and run-time processing of the component data pages.
- Using the SharePoint Online component
Enable efficient usage of the data pages from the SharePoint Online (SPO) integration component by adding relevant data types to the Data Explorer of your application.
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