Interacting with field entities
Make use of the field entity data pages to interact with fields in your SharePoint
lists directly from your Pega application. You can use these
data pages to retrieve fields and create list fields. When referenced, the D_SPOnlineGetFieldsByListId data page
returns information for fields from a SharePoint list (identified by the list
ID). For example, in an ID eq 2
expression, ID is the field name,
eq is the equality operator, and
2 is the matching value. For
more information about the supported operators and query
options, refer to the SharePoint documentation. For
example, you can display the results sorted by title in a
descending order, by specifying Title
Desc for this parameter. For example, if you sort by
title in a descending order and configure the data page to skip
titles until K, the call retrieves all
titles that start with the letters from the
K to
A range. When referenced, the D_SPOnlineGetFieldsByListTitle data page
returns information for fields from a SharePoint list (identified by the list
title). For example, in an ID eq 2
expression, ID is the field name,
eq is the equality operator, and
2 is the matching value. For
more information about the supported operators and query
options, refer to the SharePoint documentation. For
example, you can display the results sorted by title in a
descending order, by specifying Title
Desc for this parameter. For example, if you sort by
title in a descending order and configure the data page to skip
titles until K, the call retrieves all
titles that start with the letters from the
K to
A range. When referenced, the D_SPOnlineGetFieldByIdAndListId data page
returns information for a single field from a SharePoint list (identified by the field ID
and list ID). When referenced, the D_SPOnlineGetFieldByIdAndListTitle data
page returns information for a single field from a SharePoint list (identified by the field
ID and list title). When referenced, the D_SPOnlineGetFieldByTitleAndListId data
page returns information for a single field from a SharePoint list (identified by the field
title and list ID). When referenced, the D_SPOnlineGetFieldByTitleAndListTitle data
page returns information for a single field from a SharePoint list (identified by the field
title and list title). When referenced, the D_SPOnlineCreateListFieldByTitle data page
posts information to create a new list field in a SharePoint list (identified by the list
title). For more information about
available field types and their corresponding enumeration, refer
to the SharePoint documentation. When referenced, the D_SPOnlineCreateListFieldById data page
posts information to create a new list field in a SharePoint list (identified by the list
ID). For more information about
available field types and their corresponding enumeration, refer
to the SharePoint documentation.Retrieving fields by list ID
Data page details
Data page Data type SharePoint API HTTP method D_SPOnlineGetFieldsByListId Int-SPO-Fields https://{site
url}/_api/web/lists(guid’ListId’)/fields GET Data page parameters
Name Description Required Id Specifies the ID value of the list for which you want
to perform this operation. ✅ SiteName Overrides the default site in
SPOnlineSetings. ❌ AuthProfile Overrides the default authentication profile
in the SPOnlineSetings data transform. ❌ SelectFields Specifies the fields to retrieve. ❌ SelectItems Specifies the items to retrieve. You can use
this filter to return results that match a simple logical
expression. ❌ OrderBy Specifies the sorting (by field) and order
(ascending or descending) in which the results are displayed. ❌ TopNItems Retrieves the top n
(integer value) results. ❌ SkipUntil Skips over items until the specified item is
reached, and then returns the rest. ❌ Retrieving fields by list title
Data page details
Data page Data type SharePoint API HTTP method D_SPOnlineGetFieldsByListTitle Int-SPO-Fields https://{site
url}/_api/web/lists/getbytitle(’title’)/fields GET Data page parameters
Name Description Required ListTitle Specifies the title of the list for which you
want to perform this operation. ✅ SiteName Overrides the default site in
SPOnlineSetings. ❌ AuthProfile Overrides the default authentication profile
in the SPOnlineSetings data transform. ❌ SelectFields Specifies the fields to retrieve. ❌ SelectItems Specifies the items to retrieve. You can use
this filter to return results that match a simple logical
expression. ❌ OrderBy Specifies the sorting (by field) and order
(ascending or descending) in which the results are displayed. ❌ TopNItems Retrieves the top n
(integer value) results. ❌ SkipUntil Skips over items until the specified item is
reached, and then returns the rest. ❌ Retrieving a field by field ID and list ID
Data page details
Data page Data type SharePoint API HTTP method D_SPOnlineGetFieldByIdAndListId Int-SPO-FilteredFields https://{site url}/_api/web/lists(guid
’listId’)/fields(guid ‘fieldId) GET Data page parameters
Name Description Required ListId Specifies the ID of the list for which you want
to perform this operation. ✅ FieldId Specifies the ID of the field that you want to
retrieve. ❌ SiteName Overrides the default site in
SPOnlineSetings. ❌ AuthProfile Overrides the default authentication profile
in the SPOnlineSetings data transform. ❌ Retrieving a field by field ID and list title
Data page details
Data page Data type SharePoint API HTTP method D_SPOnlineGetFieldByIdAndListTitle Int-SPO-FilteredFields https://{site
‘fieldId’) GET Data page parameters
Name Description Required ListTitle Specifies the title of the list for which you
want to perform this operation. ✅ FieldId Specifies the ID of the field that you want to
retrieve. ✅ SiteName Overrides the default site in
SPOnlineSetings. ❌ AuthProfile Overrides the default authentication profile
in the SPOnlineSetings data transform. ❌ Retrieving a field by field title and list ID
Data page details
Data page Data type SharePoint API HTTP method D_SPOnlineGetFieldByTitleAndListId Int-SPO-FilteredFields https://{site url}/_api/web/lists(guid
‘listId’)/fields/getbytitle(‘fieldTitle’) GET Data page parameters
Name Description Required ListId Specifies the ID of the list for which you want
to perform this operation. ✅ FieldTitle Specifies the title of the field that you
want to retrieve. ✅ SiteName Overrides the default site in
SPOnlineSetings. ❌ AuthProfile Overrides the default authentication profile
in the SPOnlineSetings data transform. ❌ Retrieving a field by field title and list title
Data page details
Data page Data type SharePoint API HTTP method D_SPOnlineGetFieldByTitleAndListTitle Int-SPO-FilteredFields https://{site
url}/_api/web/lists/getbytitle(‘listTitle’)/fields/getbytitle(‘fieldTitle’) GET Data page parameters
Name Description Required ListTitle Specifies the title of the list for which you
want to perform this operation. ✅ FieldTitle Specifies the title of the field that you
want to retrieve. ✅ SiteName Overrides the default site in
SPOnlineSetings. ❌ AuthProfile Overrides the default authentication profile
in the SPOnlineSetings data transform. ❌ Creating a list field by list title
Data page details
Data page Data type SharePoint API HTTP method D_SPOnlineCreateListFieldByTitle Int-SPO-CreateListField https://<site_url>/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('ListTitle')/fields POST Data page parameters
Name Description Required ListTitle Specifies the title of the list for which you
want to perform this operation. ✅ ListFieldTitle Specifies the title of the list field for
which you want perform this operation. ✅ FieldTypeKind Specifies the enumeration for the field
type. Requires an integer value. ✅ Required Specifies whether the value to retrieve
requires the returned field to have a value. ❌ EnforceUniqueValues Specifies whether the value to
retrieve requires a unique field value in a list or library
column. ❌ StaticName Retrieves the value with a set customizable
field identifier. ✅ SiteName Overrides the default site in
SPOnlineSetings. ❌ AuthProfile Overrides the default authentication profile
in the SPOnlineSetings data transform. ❌ Creating a list field by list ID
Data page details
Data page Data type SharePoint API HTTP method D_SPOnlineCreateListFieldById Int-SPO-CreateListField https://<site_url>/_api/web/lists(guid'ListId')/fields POST Data page parameters
Name Description Required ListId Specifies the ID of the list for which you want
to perform this operation. ✅ ListFieldTitle Specifies the title of the list field for
which you want perform this operation. ✅ FieldTypeKind Specifies the enumeration for the field
type. Requires an integer value. ✅ Required Specifies whether the value to retrieve
requires the returned field to have a value. ❌ EnforceUniqueValues Specifies whether the value to
retrieve requires a unique field value in a list or library
column. ❌ StaticName Retrieves the value with a set customizable
field identifier. ✅ SiteName Overrides the default site in
SPOnlineSetings. ❌ AuthProfile Overrides the default authentication profile
in the SPOnlineSetings data transform. ❌
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