Preparing a DocuSign envelope
Build a request envelope that holds the information that you need to provide to DocuSign to successfully send documents for digital signing.
- In the header of Dev Studio, find and open the pyPrepareNewEnvelope data transform.
- If you are using basic authentication for API calls to DocuSign, in data
transform step 2.2, open and configure the
pySetEnvelopeCredentials data transform.For more information, see Configuring basic authentication details for DocuSign envelope requests.
- Construct the email body:
Step Property Description 2.4.1 .pyEmailBlurb Customize the signature request message according to your business needs.
For example, "To complete your credit card application, please review and sign the attached document."
2.4.2 .pyEmailSubject Provide a meaningful and informative signature request subject.
For example, "Sign your uPlus Bank credit card application"
- Set the envelope request status:
Step Property Description 2.4.4 .pyStatus Set the envelope status. Available options include:
- sent – DocuSign sends the email notification with the envelope to the recipients.
- created – DocuSign saves the envelope as a draft. You can further modify that envelope or send it later.
The default setting is "sent"
- Receive updates about the envelope and the recipients in your Pega application as the envelope progresses through
the signing process:
Step Property Description .pyUrl Specify the URL address to which DocuSign sends a status updates:
"https://<YOURDOMAIN>/prweb/PRRestService/DocuSignService/Services/pyConnect" .pyLoggingEnabled Enable event logging to facilitate troubleshooting issues.
The default value is "true" .pyRequireAcknowledgement Require DocuSign to confirm whether the envelope was successfully sent. By default, DocuSign waits 100 seconds before recording a failure.
The default value is "true" .pyIncludeDocuments Configure event notification messages to include the documents.
The default value is "true" .pyIncludeTimeZone Configure event notification messages to include the envelope time zone information in the UTC format.
The default value is "true" .pyIncludeCertificateOfCompletion Configure event notification messages to include a certificate of completion in addition to signed documents.
The default value is "true"
- If you enabled event notification in task step 5, configure the envelope status changes that trigger event
Step Property Description .pyEnvelopeEventStatusCode The available event types include:
- Sent – The envelope was sent to at least one recipient.
- Delivered – All recipients opened the envelope through a DocuSign app.
- Completed – All recipients signed (completed) the envelope.
- Declined – A recipient declined the envelope.
- Voided – The sender voided the envelope.
- AuthenticationFailed – The recipient failed an authentication check.
- AutoResponded – The recipient’s email account sent an automated response to an envelope notification. .pyIncludeDocuments DocuSign sends the documents in the message.
The default value is "true"
For more information, see DocuSign Connect overview (webhooks).
- Optional: To track changes for multiple envelope status types, perform the following
- For each status type that you want to track, create a copy of step
- In each copy, set the value of the .pyEnvelopeEventStatusCode property equal to the status type that you want to track.
- If you enabled event notification in task step 5, configure the recipient status changes that trigger event
Step Property Description .pyRecipientEventStatusCode The available event types include:
- Sent – A notification was sent to the recipient indicating their turn to sign.
- Delivered – The recipient viewed the documents through the DocuSign signing website.
- Completed – The recipient signed (completed) the envelope.
- Declined – The recipient declined to sign.
- AuthenticationFailed – The recipient failed an authentication check.
- AutoResponded – The recipient’s email account sent an automated response to an envelope notification. .pyIncludeDocuments DocuSign sends the documents in the message.
The default value is "true"
For more information, see DocuSign Connect overview (webhooks).
- Optional: To track changes for multiple recipient status types, perform the following
- For each status type that you want to track, create a copy of step
- In each copy, set the value of the .pyRecipientEventStatusCode property equal to the status type that you want to track.
- In step 2.4.8, set the reminder and expiration
settings for envelopes and documents:
Step Property Description 2.4.8 .pyNotification By default, this data transform step is enabled. You can disable the step to prevent DocuSign from sending notifications of any type to recipients.
You can also disable a specific notification type, as needed. .pyReminder Configure the settings for automatic reminders about a document that is pending signature. .pyReminderEnabled Specify whether this notification type is enabled. To disable this notification type, change the default value to "false"
The default value is "true" .pyReminderDelay Specify the number of days before sending the first reminder.
The default value is "2" .pyReminderFrequency Specify the interval (in days) between subsequent reminders.
The default value is "1" .pyExpiration Configure the envelope expiration settings. .pyExpireEnabled Specify whether this notification type is enabled. To disable this notification type, change the default value to "false"
The default value is "true" .pyExpireAfter Specify the number of days after which the envelope expires.
The default value is "2" .pyExpireWarn Specify how many days before the expiration DocuSign sends a warning.
The default value is "1"
For more information, see Common API Tasks: Add Reminders and Expiration to an Envelope in the DocuSign Developers documentation.
- Optional: To select which documents attached to the case type to include in the envelope,
modify step 2.4.10.By default, step 2.4.10 includes all documents attached to the case type in the envelope, as shown in the following figure:
- Add recipients to the envelope:
- In step, open the pyAssignRecipientsToEnvelope data transform.
- Adjust the data transform steps to your business needs.For more information, see Assigning recipients to an envelope.
Previous topic Configuring DocuSign envelopes Next topic Configuring basic authentication details for DocuSign envelope requests