Simulating a JSON response in automations
See how an automation presents the content in your JSON response to users by simulating a JSON response in draft mode. Simulating the JSON response provides you with an opportunity to test the automation output and update the sample data as needed.
- Create a new automation or open an existing automation.
Choices Actions Create a new automation Follow the steps in Creating an automation. Open an existing automation - In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click Records.
- Expand the Technical category and click Activity.
- Locate the automation for which you want to simulate a JSON
response and click in its row.Automations have the activity type AUTOMATION.
- Click .
- Click the Implementation tab.
- On the output for which you configured a JSON response, click Show JSON Sample.
- Optional: Modify the JSON sample in the Sample data section.
- Optional: To revert your changes to the sample data contained in the original
file, click Re-populate from yaml file. - Click Save.
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