Database tables in the PegaRULES database
What is the purpose of each of the tables in the PegaRULES database, as shipped in version V5.1?
When initially installed, the PegaRULES database for V5.1 has 39 database tables and 6 views. Rows of a database table may correspond to instances of multiple concrete Process Commander classes.
Update: This article describes V5.1 tables. Consult the help system for information on later releases. For V5.5, see Working with the PegaRULES database which has links to descriptions of individual tables and views. (For V6.1SP1, see Working with the PegaRULES database.)
The pxObjClass column, present in every table, identifies the Process Commander class of the row. When committing an instance of a concrete class to the PegaRULES database, the system uses the pattern inheritance algorithm to find the table name.
For example, when committing an instance of the Data-Admin-Organization class, the system searches for a Data-Admin-DB-Table instance named "Data-Admin-Organization". Finding none, it next looks for an instance named "Data-Admin-". This is found, and indicates that the instance to be saved in the pr_data_admin table of the PegaRULES database:
A column named pzInskey — known as the instance handle — appears almost in every table and identifies the unique key of rows of that table. However, the internal structure of the pzInskey values varies by table:
For rules, the exact date and time that the rule was first saved is a permanent part of the pzInskey value. The RuleSet and Version of the rule are exposed as columns but are not part of the pzInskey value.
Columns in the table below identify:
- A table name or view in the PegaRULES database
- A class or pattern parent of classes corresponding to instances of that table
- Properties that make up the key structure (in addition to the pxObjClass, which is part of every pzInskey).
- Notes This table describes the tables as initially installed. Your database may include additional tables or different table to class mappings.
Table Name | Example Parent Class | Key Structure | Notes |
pc_assign_workbasket | Assign-WorkBasket | Work pool, work object ID, flow type | Assignments routed to workbaskets. |
pc_assign_worklist | Assign-Worklist | Work pool, work object ID, flow type | Assignments for operators. |
pc_data_uniqueid | Data-UniqueID |
| Supports work object numbering |
pc_data_workattach | Data-WorkAttach- | Work pool, work object ID, timestamp | Attachments |
pc_history_work | History-Work- | Work pool, work object ID, timestamp | Work object history |
pc_index_workparty | Index-WorkPartyUri | Data-Party-class, Party ID, party role, work pool, work object ID | Supports work object lookup by party. |
pc_link_attachment | Link-Attachment | Work pool, work object ID, timestamp | Links attachments to work objects. |
pc_link_folder | Link-Folder | Work pool and work object ID of member, work pool and work object ID of folder. | Supports association of work objects into folder work objects. |
pc_work | Work- | Work pool, work object ID | Work objects |
pcv4_assignment | Data-Assignment-Summary |
| View for searching and reporting on assignments |
pcv4_assignmentwb | Data-Assignment-WBSummary |
| View for searching and reporting on assignments |
pcv4_work_history | Data-Work-History |
| Not used. |
pi_data_connect | Data-Admin-Connect- | Listener name or server name or both | Listener data instances |
pr_assign | Assign- | pyCorrHandle | Email correspondence not yet sent (Assign-Corr) |
pr_data | Data- | Varies | Default table for data instances. |
pr_data_admin | Data-Admin- | Varies | Default table for Data-Admin- instances. |
pr_history | History- |
| No initial use. For history instances other than for Work, Data-, or Rule- classes. |
pr_history_data | History-Data- | Timestamp plus key of data instance | History of changes to data instances |
pr_index | Index- |
| Default table for data instances. |
pr_index_customfields | Index-CustomFields |
| Custom fields on rules |
pr_index_reference | Index-Reference |
| Supports Rules reference display |
pr_index_warnings | Index-Warning | Rule handle | Warnings on rules, for Application Preflight tool |
pr_link | Link- |
| Default table for Link- instances. No initial use. |
pr_log | Log- | Timestamp | Default table for Log- instance, such as Log-SecurityAudit. |
pr_log_system | Log-System- |
| Default table for Log- instances. No initial use. |
pr_operators | Data-Admin-Operator-ID | Operator ID | Operators |
pr_other | (none) | Varies | No initial use. Catch-all table, last resort. |
pr_page_store | System-SavedPages | Requestor ID, Thread name, page name | Saved clipboard and requestor context after session timeout. |
pr_sys_context | System-Requestor-Context | Requestor ID | Passivated requestors |
pr_sys_locks | System-Locks | Varies, defined by Keys or Lock fields in Rule-Obj-Class | Process Commander locks held |
pr_sys_statusnodes | System-Status-Nodes | System name, node name, node ID | Current and recent nodes in this cluster |
pr_sys_updatescache | System-Updates-Cache | System name, Node name, timestamp | System pulse support |
pr_sys_user | System-User- | Type, Operator ID or access group | Delegated rules |
pr4_base | Rule-Obj-Class | Class name or Table name | Foundation |
pr4_fieldvalue | Rule-Obj-FieldValue | Applies to class, | Field value rules |
pr4_history_rule | History-Rule | Rule handle Timestamp of commit | History and earlier copies of rules. |
pr4_log_usage | Log-Usage | Requestor ID, Timestamp | System Usage History report |
pr4_rule | Rule- |
| Rules not stored in any other table. |
pr4_rule_file | Rule-File- | Varies by rule type | Rules containing static text or binary files. |
pr4_rule_flow | Rule-Obj-Flow | Applies to class, Flow type, Timestamp | Flow rules |
pr4_rule_property | Rule-Obj-Property | Applies To class, Property name, Timestamp | Property rules |
pr4_rule_sysgen | Rule-Generated-Activity | Applies To class, Activity Name. | Internal facilities, generated Java |
pr4_rule_vw | Data-Rule-Summary |
| View for searching and reporting on rules. |
pwbv4_circumstance | Data-Circumstance-Duplicates |
| View supports reporting on rules with circumstances |
pwbv4_rule_locking | Data-Rule-Locking |
| View supports check-out and check-in |
pwbv4_rule_overrides | Data-Rule-Overrides |
| View supports reporting on overridden rules. |
Previous topic How to create Declarative indexes for embedded properties Next topic How to use fully-qualified table names in the PegaRULES database