JDBC driver configuration for external databases using JDBC URL
This content applies only to On-premises and Client-managed cloud environments
When you connect Pega® Platform to an external database using a JDBC URL, the external database driver file must be available to Pega Platform. If the file is not available, the connection to the database fails. For information about which database driver is correct for your database, refer to the vendor documentation.
Make the database driver JAR file available to Pega Platform in one of the following ways:
- Ensure that the database driver JAR file is on the Java class path, for example, ojdbc7.jar for Oracle, sqljdbc4.jar for MS SQL, and so on. For information about how to add the driver file to the class path, refer to your application server and development environment documentation.
- Add the database/drivers setting to the prconfig.xml file. The value for the setting is a list of Java driver class names separated by a semicolon, as shown in the following example.
<env name="database/drivers" value="com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver"/>
<env name="database/drivers" value=" oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver;com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.sybdriver"/>
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