Troubleshooting: Out-of-the-box triggers reference pr_sys_locks table impacting PRPC performance (HFix-4229, HFix-4349)
Certain out-of-the-box (OOTB) triggers for MS SQL and IBM DB2 UDB contain a SELECT query which references the pr_sys_locks table. When this query is executed against the pr_sys_locks table, a table scan is performed, which causes unintended performance issues.
HFix-4229 for PRPC 6.2 and HFix-4349 for PRPC 6.1 SP2 provide updated MS SQL and IBM DB2 UDB triggers that remove an unnecessary reference to the pr_sys_locks table which caused the unintended performance issues.
Suggested Approach
This issue was fixed in PRPC 6.2 SP2 and later releases. If you are running PRPC 6.2 or PRPC 6.1 SP2, refer to the steps below to request the appropriate Hotfix.
- Contact Pegasystems Global Customer Support (GCS) and request for PRPC 6.2 or for PRPC 6.1 SP2.
- Follow the instructions in the ReadMe.txt file.
You must contact Pega GCS to obtain the for PRPC 6.2 or for PRPC 6.1 SP2, because the nature of this update precludes it from being installed with the Update Manager.
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