Rule creation and simulations of changes in a change request in the Decision Manager portal
Multiple enhancements to the revision management process improve the functionality and usability of the Decision Manager portal.
Revision managers, strategy designers, and decision architects can now use the following options:
Rule creation in a change request
A revision manager who prepares a change request and a strategy designer who works on the assigned change request can now create rule instances as a part of a regular change request work.
Rule creation in a change request
You can create the following rule types in a change request:
- Data Model rules
- Data Flow
- Data Set
- Data Transform
- Property
- Decision rules
- Decision Data
- Decision Table
- Decision Tree
- Event Strategy
- Map Value
- Predictive Model
- Proposition Filter
- Proposition Group
- Scorecard
- Strategy
- When
When a strategy designer submits the change request for an approval, the new rule instances that were created in the change request are listed separately. A revision manager who logs in to the Decision Manager portal can easily distinguish between the rule instances that were created and the ones that were only modified, and focus on the newly created rules.
Submitting a change request
When the change request is completed, the rule instances that a strategy designer created become part of the application overlay and can be delegated on subsequent revisions. If a revision manager rejects a change request, the rule instances that were created in the change request are automatically deleted. A change request that contains new rule instances follows a normal life cycle of a revision case. For more information, see Stage-based revision and change request management.
You can also create rule instances from other rule instances, outside the change request context. For example, a strategy designer or a revision manager can create a strategy from a data flow, and from a strategy, create rules such as predictive models, scorecards, and propositions. If these additional rules are created by using the advanced options in the rule forms, they are listed when a revision manager submits a revision.
Submitting a revision
Simulations of changes before submitting a change request
A strategy designer can run data flows in the Decision Manager portal to simulate changes that were introduced by the change request. These changes become visible for the revision manager when the strategy designer submits the change request. A revision manager can do the same simulations to check the changes that were introduced by the strategy designer.
Running a data flow in the Decision Manager portal
Data flows with the Visual Business Director and Database Table data sets as the destination
When a data flow is designed to write results into the Visual Business Director data set, a strategy designer can use the Visual Business Director Planner to compare data sources for particular simulations.
A data flow that writes simulation data into the Visual Business Director data set
The data sources with simulation data that can be viewed in the Visual Business Director Planner are listed in the Data sources tab of the section. When a strategy designer runs the same data flow multiple times to get simulation results of different changes, the following destination data sources in the data flow are truncated before they are populated with simulation results:
The Visual Business Director data set
This data set is truncated because of the pyCleanupDataFlowExecutionResults preactivity that is set automatically when a strategy designer runs a data flow.
The pyCleanupDataFlowExecutionResults preactivity when running a data flow
The Database Table data set
This data set is truncated because of the pyCleanupDataFlowExecutionResults preactivity, but only under certain conditions:
The Results in class of the Database Table data set that is a destination in the data flow was created with the Output Definition wizard.
The Results in class of the Database Table data set
For more information, see Creating an output definition.
The data flow contains a Convert shape that provides the following mapping:
Field mapping in a Convert shape in a data flow
Previous topic Proposition-centric revision management functionality Next topic Stage-based revision and change request management