Values of the pxOutcomeTime property are not unique in the Oracle database
The type of the pxOutcomeTime property in the PR_DATA_IH_FACT table is by default set to . In the Oracle database, any records that are written into the PR_DATA_IH_FACT table of the interaction history are stored with one-second precision. In the Oracle database, records in the PR_DATA_IH_FACT table might be displayed and stored at the same second because of the quick processing of customer responses and the asynchronous execution of web page impressions.
This issue occurs because the Oracle database maintains one-second precision for the
type column.Records in the PR_DATA_IH_FACT table that have the same time stamp
Ask the Oracle database administrator to update the PXOUTCOMETIME column type from to to increase the time precision. After this change, the fractional precision of a second can be set to any number from 0 to 9 (the default is 6).
For more information, see the Oracle documentation about the TIMESTAMP datatype.
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