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Completing change requests

Updated on May 17, 2024

As a strategy designer, complete the change request by performing the required changes and submitting your work for approval.

This document describes working with a change request submitted by a revision manager in the Pega Customer Decision Hub portal. For information about completing change requests submitted by business user in Pega 1:1 Operations Manager, see the Pega 1:1 Operations Manager User Guide on the Pega Customer Decision Hub product page.
  1. Log in to the Pega Customer Decision Hub portal as an operator with the RevisionManager access role.
  2. On the Home screen, in the Work under Revision Management section, open the change request.
  3. In the Scope of changes section, open the rule that you want to update.
    Note: Some rule types open in a new portal. For example, Prediction rules open in Prediction Studio. Make sure that your operator account has the necessary access group to open the rule type.
  4. Update the rule as requested.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Optional: To increase the priority of the business changes, convert the change request into a fast-track request by clicking Change to fast track.
    Caution: If the changes in a fast-track change request conflict with any standard change request, the following error message is displayed:
    Resolve potential conflicts by manually propagating the rule changes to the standard change request or by withdrawing the conflicting rules from the standard change request. Otherwise, the changes that you introduced in the standard change request overwrite any changes that you made in advance.
    For more information about fast track change requests, see Launching fast-track change requests.
Result: The updated rule is submitted for review. The revision manager assesses whether the changes that the strategy designer made are satisfactory and approves the revision for deployment.

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