Running a data flow
Use the Call instruction with the Data-Decision-DDF-RunOptions.pxStartRun and Data-Decision-DDF-RunOptions.pxRunDDFWithProgressPage activities, or the DataFlow-Execute method to trigger a data flow run.
- Create an instance of the Activity rule by clicking .
- In the activity steps, enter one of the following methods:
- Data-Decision-DDF-RunOptions.pxStartRun - Triggers a data flow run. The activity queues the data flow run and most likely will finish before the data flow run does.
- Data-Decision-DDF-RunOptions.pxRunDDFWithProgressPage - Triggers a data flow run and creates the progress page so that the data flow can be monitored.
- Click the arrow to the left of the Method field to expand the method and specify its parameters.
- Click Save.
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