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Creating a File data set record for embedded files

Updated on May 17, 2024

To read data from an uploaded file in CSV or JSON format, you must configure an instance of the File date set rule.

Before you begin: Create a File data set rule instance. See Creating a File data set rule.
Note: The File data set supports two types of JSON input: the standard array format and the newline-delimited JSON format.
  1. On the New tab, in the Data source section, click Embedded file.
  2. Upload a file:
    1. In the File management section, click Upload file.
    2. In the Upload file dialog box, click Choose File.
    3. In the Open dialog box, select the target file, and then click Open.
    4. In the Upload file dialog box, click Upload.
    Result: Additional details about the uploaded file are displayed in the File download section.
  3. Optional: For CSV files, to update file settings automatically, in the Parser configuration section, click Configure automatically, and then go to step 6.
  4. For CSV files, update additional file settings:
    1. Specify if the file contains a header row by selecting the File contains header checkbox.
    2. In the Delimiter character list, select a character separating the fields in the selected file.
    3. In the Supported quotation marks list, select the quotation mark type used for string values in the selected file.
  5. For CSV and JSON files, update date and time settings:
    1. In the Date time format field, enter the pattern representing date and time stamps in the selected file.
      The default pattern is: yyyy-MM-ddHH:mm:ss
    2. In the Date format field, enter the pattern representing date stamps in the selected file.
      The default pattern is: yyyy-MM-dd
    3. In the Time of day format field, enter the pattern representing time stamps in the selected file.
      The default pattern is: HH:mm:ss
      Note: Time properties in the selected file can be in a different time zone than the one used by Pega Platform. To avoid confusion, specify the time zone in the time properties of the file, and use the appropriate pattern in the settings.
    Result: You have configured general file settings. For CSV files, you need to complete the property mapping. For JSON files, the Mapping tab is empty, because the system automatically maps the fields, and no manual mapping is available.
  6. For CSV files, on the Mapping tab, check and complete the mapping between the columns in the CSV file and the corresponding properties in Pega Platform:
    • To map an existing property to a CSV file column, in the Property column, press the Down Arrow and choose the applicable item from the list.
    • For CSV files with a header row, to automatically create properties that are not in Pega Platform and map them to CSV file columns, click Create missing properties. Confirm the additional mapping by clicking Create.
    • To manually create properties that are not in Pega Platform and map them to CSV file columns, in the Property column, enter a property name that matches the Column entry, click the Target icon, and configure the new property. For more information, see Creating a property.
    Note: For CSV files with a header row, the Column entry in a new mapping instance must match the column name in the file.
  7. Optional: Download the file that you uploaded. In the File tab, in the File download section, click Download file.
  8. Confirm the new File data set configuration by clicking Save.
    Result: If CSV or JSON files are not valid, error messages display the reason for the error and a line number that identifies where the error is in the file.
  • Previous topic Configuring Hadoop settings for an HDFS connection
  • Next topic Creating a File data set record for files on repositories

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