Adaptive Model rules - Completing the Create, Save As, or Specialization form
Create an adaptive model rule by selecting Adaptive Model
from the
Rule resolution
When searching for rules of this type, the system:
- Filters candidate rules based on a requestor's ruleset list of rulesets and versions
- Searches through ancestor classes in the class hierarchy for candidates when no matching rule is found in the starting class
Time-qualified and circumstance-qualified rule resolution features are not available for this rule type.
- Outcomes tab on the Adaptive Model form
To specify positive or negative behavior for an Adaptive Model, define the possible outcome values to associate with these behaviors.
- Parameters tab on the Predictive Model form
On this tab, you to define parameters to use as predictors in models. These parameters can be used in the model configuration. You can map the parameters to properties through the predictive model component in a strategy. If you do not specify parameters, your predictive model can only learn from properties in the strategy's primary page.
- Strategy rule form - Completing the Pages & Classes tab
Use this tab to list the clipboard pages referenced by name in this rule. For basic instructions, see How to Complete a Pages & Classes tab.
Previous topic About Adaptive Model rules Next topic Outcomes tab on the Adaptive Model form