Applying interaction history scripts in Microsoft SQL Server
Use these scripts with Microsoft SQL Server to archive or purge the interaction history tables on Windows OS. The scripts allow you to move the FACT table records, merge the Dimension records, and delete the records from the FACT table.
- Back up the source and target interaction history tables.
- Create indexes on the columns. Indexes improve performance when you read data from the archived tables.
- Modify interaction history records using the sample scripts:
- Moving the FACT table records in Microsoft SQL Server databases
Before you perform this task, make sure you have full access to the source and the destination databases (you need the database admin privileges).
- Merging the dimension records in Microsoft SQL Server databases
Before you perform this task, make sure that all the dimension tables are created and have index on the PZID column.
- Deleting the records from the FACT table in Microsoft SQL Server databases
Perform this procedure to delete records from the FACT table in a Microsoft SQL Server database.
Previous topic Deleting the records from the FACT table Next topic Moving the FACT table records in Microsoft SQL Server databases