Proposition Filters
Create a Proposition Filter by selecting Proposition Filter
from the
- Use the Business Issue and Group drop-down lists to select the applicability of the Proposition Filter in the context of the proposition hierarchy. Select the business issue and, if applicable, the group.
- The level at which the Proposition Filter is created (top level, business issue or group) determines the propositions it can access. Proposition Filters for which business issue is not defined apply to all business issues and groups in the context of the proposition hierarchy.
Rule resolution
When searching for rules of this type, the system:
- Filters candidate rules based on a requestor's ruleset list of rulesets and versions
- Searches through ancestor classes in the class hierarchy for candidates when no matching rule is found in the starting class
Time-qualified and circumstance-qualified rule resolution features are not available for this rule type.
Previous topic About Proposition Filter rules Next topic Configuring the specific criteria for the Proposition Filter rule