Troubleshooting predictive models
If your predictive models do not work as expected, use the following tips to troubleshoot and solve the most common issues that you may experience when working with predictive models.
- A PMML file cannot be used to create a predictive model
The PMML file that you uploaded contains unsupported features in its model definition.
- A PMML model contains undefined functions
The PMML engine of Pega Platform does not recognize some of the functions that are part of the PMML model that you uploaded.
- Discrepancies in PMML model output on different systems
The same PMML model can produce different outputs when it is run on different systems.
- Errors when running the PMML model
When you run a strategy that references a Predictive Model rule instance, an error that is related to the PMML file that is uploaded in the rule instance might occur.
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