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Defining scenarios and test suites for testing applications

Updated on September 25, 2019

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Before you can run tests from the Test Management Framework, you must define the tests. Part of defining tests is creating scenario definitions and creating test suite definitions.


Concepts: Scenario and test suite definitions

In TMF, tests are defined by two building blocks: scenarios and test suites. In the test portal, you first create scenario definitions, and then create test suite definitions that use those scenarios. When you begin creating either one of these two building blocks, you create a work object in TMF that has a unique prefix. The following diagram illustrates the objects that comprise a test definition, their relationship, and their work object ID prefixes.


A work object that defines a single processing path. Scenarios are categorized by application, version, and a work type.

Each scenario definition consists of one or more segments. A segment describes the sequential steps that are performed by one actor. For example, if a path through the process flow has an Agent collecting applicant data in the first part of the flow and then an Underwriter determining eligibility in the next part, the steps taken by the Agent are one segment and the steps taken by the Underwriter are another segment.

Test Suite

A set of scenarios. The test suite definition is a work object folder that organizes a particular collection of test scenarios. Different test suites can share the same scenarios. Suites are categorized by application and version in a specific target test system.


Defining a Scenario

Defining a test scenario involves specifying its segments and the order in which those segments occur. A segment describes one or more sequential process steps performed by the same actor.

For example, in this PurchaseOrder flow, Segment A (in purple) is performed by the current operator. When the operator enters a purchase order that needs a manager's approval, the flow reaches the Manager Approval assignment, and then Segment B (in green) is performed by the Manager:

Segments in PurchaseOrder flow

Each segment can reference one or more use cases in the application or can reference an auto test case. When you specify a segment in a scenario, that segment does not create a work object in TMF. The scenario definition as a whole, with all of its segments, is a work object. By default, the scenario has an object ID starting with SCN-.

To define a scenario:

Click New > Scenario Definition. This launches the guided entry process in which you create a scenario and its segments. An object ID prefixed by SCN- is assigned to the scenario and displayed in the work tab at the top of the workspace.

Initial scenario definition window

* indicates a required field

  1. Enter the scenario details.
NameEnter a name for the scenario.
CategorySelect a test type to categorize this scenario; for example, Regression for a regression test scenario.
ComplexitySelect the scenario's complexity level.
System To TestSelect a target test system. The available choices are those environments set in your TMF user preferences. (See Using the administrative functions to manage testing operations)
ApplicationSelect the testing application to use for this scenario. The available applications are those set in your TMF user preferences. (See Using the administrative functions to manage testing operations)
Application VersionSelect the testing application version. The available versions are those set in your TMF user preferences. (See Using the administrative functions to manage testing operations)
Work TypeSelect the work type to use for this testing scenario.

To use a custom work type for this scenario, select Other. When you select Other in the Work Types field, a drop-down list displays the custom work types that have been defined in TMF for your testing organization to use (see Using the administrative functions to manage testing operations.

When you select a work type that has a starting flow in the application, the Starting Flow field displays the starting flows that exist in the selected application.

Starting FlowsThis field displays when you select a work type that exists in the application with an associated starting flow. Select the starting flow for this testing scenario. You can click View flow button to view a diagram of the flow in a pop-up window.
DescriptionEnter a detailed description of the scenario.
ConsiderationsEnter any considerations that you want testers to be aware of when they perform tests with this scenario.
  1. Click Next >> to move to the next step of specifying the scenario's segments. A table for the segments displays.
  2. Click Add a row to display a modal window to enter the first segment.

Segment entry window

Segment Details
NameEnter a name for this segment.
Actor TypeSelect the actor for this segment. The drop-down list displays the actors defined in the testing application.
Start After SegmentThis field displays when you have multiple segments defined so you can specify which segment this one should follow.
DelayThis field displays when you have multiple segments defined so you can specify whether there should be a delay before TMF executes this segment in a test run. If you select Yes, specify the number of days, hours, and minutes for the delay period.
Test Type

Select a test type for this segment. Choices are: Auto Test, Manual Use Case or Freeform.

Auto Test

Select Auto Test to base this segment on an automated unit test case that exists in the testing application. When you select Auto Test, specify the following items:
    • Operator: The Operator ID in the testing application under which the test case is to run.
    • Filter By: Used to determine which test cases in the application are presented for your selection.
    • Type: Select the type of unit test case.
    • Run automatically: Whether TMF should run the test case automatically when this segment is executed.
    • Return Work ID: Whether to return the work ID that is created on the testing application when this test case is run.
    • Auto Test Name: Specify the name of the automated unit test case. Enter a name or click Look up to choose from the unit test cases available in the testing application.

Configuration Tip: Before you include automated unit test cases in your scenario definitions, configure and run those test cases in their test environment to ensure they can be successfully executed.

Manual Use Case

Select Manual Use Case to base this segment on one or more of the testing application's use cases. When you select Manual Use Case, specify the following items:
  • Use Case: A use case in the testing application. Click Look up to choose a related use case. You can reduce the number of returned results by entering portions of the use case names in the entry field before clicking Look up. If you enter characters in the entry field and then click Look up, the system displays those use cases which have names containing matching characters:
Filter use case returned results

Note: In the rare situation that your testing application has more than 500 use cases, the system retrieves the first 500 use cases if more than 500 match the specified criteria (work type, flow, and any characters entered in to the Use Case entry field). Reduce the number of returned results by entering a portion of the use case names in the entry field before clicking Look up.

To specify more than one use case for this segment, click Add a row.

  • Details: In the Input Script field, enter the steps that the tester is to perform when executing this segment of the scenario. In the Expected Outcome field, describe what should happen when the input script is performed.


Select Freeform for segments that are not associated with automated unit test cases or use cases in the application. When you select Freeform, specify the following items:
  • Details: In the Input Script field, enter the steps that the tester is to perform when executing this segment of the scenario. In the Expected Outcome field, describe what should happen when the input script is performed.
AttachmentsUse this tab to provide additional information for the tester to use when running this segment of the scenario. You can:
  • Upload and attach external files.
  • Take a screen capture of a window and attach the resulting image.
AssociationsFor the Auto Test type, this section displays the use cases and requirements that are linked to the flow associated with the selected automated unit test case. For the Manual Use Case type, this section displays the requirements associated with the selected use cases.
  1. In the Segment Details window, click OK to add the segment and return to the main window, or click Add to add the segment and leave the Segment Details window open to add the next segment.
  1. In the main window, use the Add a row and Insert a row buttons to add and insert segments in the desired order. To remove a segment from the table, select it and click Delete a row. To update a segment, double-click it to open the Segment Details window and make any changes.

Segments for Purchase Order Less Than 100

  1. When you are finished defining the segments for this scenario, click Next>> to display the review screen.

    Note: This step of clicking Next > > to go to the review screen finalizes the scenario definition. If you exit before displaying the review screen, the scenario remains in the Under Construction state.

  2. The review screen displays the scenario detail. The status is set to Open-Defined, meaning the scenario is ready to run. From this screen you can select:
    • Close to exit the entry process
    • Run Scenario to run the scenario now
    • Add New Scenario to enter another scenario
    • Add New Suite to enter a test suite

Scenario Review section

If you exit the process before displaying the review screen, the scenario remains on your worklist as an item in the Under Construction section. Selecting it from the worklist reopens the process at the point you left off, and the status is set to New (a scenario that does not have the basic details entered, such as application and version).

Once you have scenarios defined, you can define a collection of them as a test suite, to run as a group.

Defining a Test Suite

Defining a test suite involves specifying its scenarios and the order in which those scenarios are to execute when the test suite is run. The test suite definition is a work object with a default object ID prefix of STE-.

To define a test suite:

Click New > Test Suite Definition. This launches the guided entry process in which you create a test suite and select which scenarios to include in the suite. An object ID prefixed by STE- is assigned to the suite and displayed in the work tab at the top of the workspace.

Test Suite definition window

* indicates a required field

  1. Enter the suite detail.
NameEnter a name for the test suite.
ComplexitySelect the test suite's complexity level.
System To TestSelect a target test system. The available choices are those environments set in your TMF user preferences. (See Using the administrative functions to manage testing operations)
ApplicationSelect the testing application to use for this test suite. The available applications are those set in your TMF user preferences. (See Using the administrative functions to manage testing operations)
Application VersionSelect the testing application version. The available versions are those set in your TMF user preferences. (See Using the administrative functions to manage testing operations)
Associated WithSelect whether this suite is associated with scenarios defined in TMF or with one particular automated unit test suite that is defined in the selected target test system.
DescriptionEnter a detailed description of the test suite.
ConsiderationsEnter any considerations that you want testers to be aware of when they run this test suite.
  1. Click Next>> to select scenarios to include in the suite.

Scenario choice section for suite

  1. If you selected Scenario-based Tests for the Associated With field, this screen displays list of scenarios in TMF that are defined for the application. Select the scenarios you want to include in the test suite. If you select more than one scenario, you can check the Order for Execution box to have an opportunity to set the order of the scenarios in the suite after you click Next > >to proceed to the next step in the guided entry process.

    If you selected Automated Unit Suites for the Associated With field, this screen displays a list of automated unit test suites defined in the testing application itself. Select the one you want to include in this test suite definition and click Next > > to finalize the test suite definition.

  2. If you selected Order for Execution, at this point you can drag and drop the included scenarios in the order that you want them to run. Click Next > > to finalize the test suite definition.

The review screen displays summary information about the suite. The status is set to Open-Defined meaning the scenario is ready to run and all scenarios in the suite have a status of Open-Defined.

From this screen you can select:

  • Close to exit the entry process
  • Run Suite to run the suite now
  • Add New Scenario to create a new scenario definition
  • Add New Suite to create a new test suite definition

Suite review section

Working with Scenarios and Suites

Once you have defined test scenarios and test suites, you can perform additional actions to further develop their content and processing.

From an open scenario you can:

  • Copy it
  • Include it in a test suite
  • Update scenario information (the details such as its name, test type, and description)
  • Update the scenario definition - this action reopens the definition entry process and you can update the scenario details (for example, its ) and its segments
  • Resolve it by rejecting, withdrawing, or retiring it
  • Remove it from a test suite
  • Reassign it by transferring it to another resource (for example, to another tester or workbasket)

From an open test suite you can:

  • Update suite details
  • Resolve it by rejecting, withdrawing, or retiring it
  • Change the application version
  • Add, remove, and reorder scenarios in the suite
  • Reassign it
  • Cancel the suite definition as rejected or withdrawn

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