Creating a Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager 2 repository
After downloading and enabling the component for Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager 2, create a repository in Pega Platform.
- In the header of Dev Studio, click .
- In the Create Repository rule form, enter a description and name for your repository, and then click Create and open.
- In the Edit Repository rule form, on the Definition tab, click Select.
- In the Select repository type dialog box, click Nexus 2.
- In the Repository configuration section, configure
location information for the repository:
- In the System URL field, enter the URL of your repository.
- In the Repository ID field, enter the ID of the
repository, which you can find on the
Configuration tab in Nexus Repository Manager
2.For more information, see the documentation for Nexus Repository Manager 2.
- In the Root path field, enter the path of the
folder where repository assets are stored. Do not include the repository
folder in the path, and do not start or end the path with the slash (/)
character.The connector will allow you to browse the assets in this folder from inside Pega Platform.
- In the Authentication section, configure authentication
In the Authentication profile field, enter the
name of a new authentication profile and click the
Open icon to configure the profile.
The authentication profile stores the credentials that Pega Platform needs to authenticate with the Nexus Repository Manager 2 API.
- In the Create Authentication Profile rule form, in the
Type list, select
Basic. Only Basic authentication is supported.
- Enter a name and description for your authentication profile.
- Click Create and open.
In the Authentication profile field, enter the
name of a new authentication profile and click the
Open icon to configure the profile.
- In the Edit Authentication Profile rule form, configure
authentication information:
- Enter the user name, password, realm, and host name required to authenticate with Nexus Repository Manager 2. For more information, see the Nexus Repository Manager 2 documentation.
- Select the Preemptive authentication check box.
- Click Save.
- To verify that the system URL and authentication profile are configured
properly, in the Edit Repository rule form, on the
Definition tab, click Test
If there are any errors, ensure that the credentials in the authentication profile are correct and that Pega Platform can access the system URL that you entered.
- Click Save.
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