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Adding a pipeline on premises

Updated on April 5, 2022

When you add a pipeline on premises, you define all the stages and tasks that you want to do on each system. For example, if you are using branches, you can start a build when a branch is merged. If you are using a QA system, you can run test tasks to validate application data.

To add a pipeline on premises, complete the following steps:

  1. Click PipelinesApplication pipelines.

  2. Click New.

  3. Specify the details of the application for which you are creating the pipeline.

    1. In the Development environment field, enter the URL of the development system.

      This is the system on which the product rule that defines the application package that moves through the repository is located.

    2. In the Application field, press the Down arrow key and select the name of the application.

    3. In the Version field, press the Down arrow key and select the application version.

    4. In the Access group field, press the Down arrow key and select the access group for which pipeline tasks are run.

      This access group must be present on all the candidate systems and have at least the sysadmin4 role.

    5. In the Pipeline name field, enter a unique name for the pipeline.

    6. In the Product rule field, enter the name of the product rule that defines the contents of the application.

    7. In the Version field, enter the product rule version.

  4. If you are using a separate product rule to manage test cases, in the Application test cases section, to deploy a test case, select the Deploy test applications check box; then, complete the following steps:

    1. In the Test application field, enter the name of the test application.

    2. In the Version field, enter the version of the test case product rule.

    3. In the Access group field, enter the access group for which test cases are run. Ensure that the access group is correctly pointing to the application name and version that is configured in the pipeline.

    4. In the Product rule field, enter the name of the test case product rule.

    5. From the Deploy until field, select the pipeline stage until which the test case product rule will be deployed.

      When you use separate product rules for test cases and run a pipeline, the Run Pega unit tests, Enable test coverage, and Verify test coverage tasks are run for the access group that is specified in this section.

      For the Run Pega scenario tests task, the user name that you provide should belong to the access group that is associated with the test application.

  5. To configure dependent applications, click Dependencies.

    1. Click Add.

    2. In the Application name field, press the Down arrow key and select the application name.

    3. In the Pipeline field, press the Down arrow key and select the pipeline.

    4. In the Deployment field, press the Down arrow key and select the deployment that contains the production-ready artifact of the dependent application.

      If you want the latest artifact of the dependent application to be automatically populated, select latest.

    For more information about dependent applications, see Managing application dependencies.

    For more information on updating existing dependencies, see Updating application dependencies in Deployment Manager.

    1. Click Next.

  6. In the Environment details section, in the Stages section, specify the URL of each candidate system and the authentication profile that each system uses to communicate with the orchestration system.

    1. In the Environments field for the system, press the Down arrow key and select the URL of the system.

    2. If you are using your own authentication profiles, in the Authentication field for the system, press the Down arrow key and select the authentication profile that you want to communicate from the orchestration server to the system.

    By default, the fields are populated with the DMAppAdmin authentication profile.

  7. In the Artifact management section, specify the development and production repositories through which the product rule that contains application contents moves through the pipeline.

  8. In the Development repository field, press the Down arrow key and select the development repository.

  9. In the Production repository field, press the Down arrow key and select the production repository.

  10. In the External orchestration server section, if you are using a Jenkins step in a pipeline, specify the Jenkins details.

    1. In the URL field, enter the URL of the Jenkins server.

    2. In the Authentication profile field, press the Down arrow key and select the authentication profile on the orchestration server that specifies the Jenkins credentials to use for Jenkins jobs.

  11. Click Next.

  12. Specify whether you are using branches in your application.

    • If you are not using branches, click the No radio button, and then go to step 15.
    • If you are using branches, go to step 14.
  13. To specify branch options, do the following steps:

    1. Click the Yes radio button.

    2. Do one of the following options:

    • To merge branches into the highest existing ruleset in the application, click Highest existing ruleset.

    • To merge branches into a new ruleset, click New ruleset.

    1. In the Password field, enter the password that locks the rulesets on the development system.

  14. Click Next.

    Result: The system adds tasks, which you cannot delete, to the pipeline that are required to successfully run a workflow, for example, Deploy and Generate Artifact. The system also adds other tasks to enforce best practices such as Check guardrail compliance and Verify security checklist.
  15. To specify that a branch must meet a compliance score before it can be merged:

    1. In the Merge criteria pane, click Add task.

    2. From the Task list, select Check guardrail compliance.

    3. In the Weighted compliance score field, enter the minimum required compliance score.

    4. Click Submit.

    For more information about compliance scores, see Compliance score logic

  16. To specify that a branch must be reviewed:

    1. In the Merge criteria pane, click Add task.

    2. From the Task list, select Check review status.

    3. Click Submit.

    For more information about branch reviews, see Branch reviews.

  17. To run Pega unit tests on the branches for the pipeline application or for an application that is associated with an access group before it can be merged:

    1. In the Merge criteria pane, click Add task.

    2. From the Task list, select Pega unit testing.

    3. To run all the Pega unit tests for an application that is associated with an access group, in the Access Group field, enter the access group.

    4. Click Submit.

      For more information about creating Pega unit tests, see Creating Pega unit test cases.


    When you use separate product rules for test cases and run a pipeline, the Run Pega unit tests, Enable test coverage, and Verify test coverage tasks are run for the access group that is specified in the Application test cases section.

    For the Run Pega scenario tests task, the user name that you provide should belong to the access group that is associated with the test application.

  18. To start a deployment automatically when a branch is merged, click the Trigger deployment on merge check box.

    Do not select this check box if you want to manually start deployments.

    For more information, see Manually starting a deployment in Deployment Manager.
  19. Clear a check box for a deployment life cycle stage to skip it.

  20. In the Continuous Deployment section, specify the tasks to be performed during each stage of the pipeline. See the following topics for more information:

  21. Clear the Production ready check box if you do not want to generate an application package, which is sent to the production repository.

    You cannot clear this check box if you are using a production stage in the life cycle.

  22. Click Finish.

  23. Run diagnostics to verify that your pipeline is configured correctly.

    For more information, see Diagnosing a pipeline.

  • Adding the Pega unit testing task

    If you use Pega unit tests to validate application data, add the Pega unit testing task on the pipeline stage where you want to run it. For example, you can run Pega unit tests on a QA system.

  • Adding the Jenkins task

    If you are using Jenkins to perform tasks in your pipeline, you can add the Jenkins task to the stage on which you want it to run.

  • Adding the manual step task

    Use manual steps so that users must take an action before a pipeline deployment can continue. Users can either accept the task to continue the deployment or reject the task to stop it.

  • Adding the Check guardrail compliance score task

    You can use the Check guardrail compliance score task so that an application must meet a compliance score for the deployment to continue. The default value is 95, which you can modify.

  • Starting another pipeline by adding the Trigger deployment task

    You can start another pipeline by adding the Trigger deployment task to a stage in your current pipeline. By starting another pipeline from a current pipeline, you can add more stages to your pipeline.

  • Adding the Verify security checklist task

    For your pipeline to comply with security best practices, you can add a task so that to ensure that all the steps in Application Security Checklist are performed.

  • Starting test coverage by adding the Enable test coverage task

    Add the Enable test coverage task to start test coverage. Starting and stopping test coverage generates a report that identifies the executable rules in your application that are either covered or not covered by tests. As a best practice, to ensure application quality, you should test all the rules in your application for which testing is supported.

  • Stopping test coverage by adding the Validate test coverage task

    Add this task to stop a test coverage session. Starting and stopping test coverage generates a report that identifies the executable rules in your application that are either covered or not covered by tests. As a best practice, to ensure application quality, you should test all the rules in your application for which testing is supported.

  • Running Pega scenario tests by adding the Run Pega scenario tests task

    If you are using Pega scenario tasks, you can run them in your pipeline by using the Run Pega scenario tests task. Deployment Manager supports Selenium 3.141.59.

  • Refreshing application quality by adding the Refresh application quality task

    To refresh the Application Quality dashboard, which provides information about the health of your application, on the candidate system, add the Refresh application quality task. You can refresh the dashboard after running Pega unit tests, checking guardrail compliance, running Pega scenario tests, and starting or stopping test coverage.

  • Modifying the Approve for production task

    The Approve for production task is added to the stage before production. Use this task if you want a user to approve application changes before those changes are send to production.

  • Previous topic Adding a pipeline on Pega Cloud Services
  • Next topic Running Pega unit tests by adding the Run Pega unit tests task

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