Installing, upgrading, and configuring Deployment Manager 3.4.x
Use Deployment Manager to create continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, which automate tasks and allow you to quickly deploy high-quality software to production.
- Installing Deployment Manager 3.4.x
Install Deployment Manager 3.4.x on-premises. Each customer virtual private cloud (VPC) on Pega Cloud has a dedicated orchestrator instance to use Deployment Manager. You do not need to install Deployment Manager to use it with your Pega Cloud application. If you are upgrading from an earlier release to Deployment Manager 3.4.x, contact Pegasystems Global Customer Support (GCS) to request a new version.
- Upgrading to Deployment Manager 3.4.x
After you install Deployment Manager 3.4.x, you must do post-upgrade steps. Before you upgrade, ensure that no deployments are running, have errors, or are paused.
- Configuring systems in the pipeline
Complete the following tasks to set up a pipeline for all supported CI/CD workflows. If you are using branches, you must configure additional settings after you perform the required steps.
- Configuring the development system
After you configure the orchestration server and all your candidate systems, configure additional settings so that you can create pipelines if you are using branches in a distributed or non-distributed branch-based environment.
- Configuring additional settings
As part of your pipeline, you can optionally send email notifications to users or configure Jenkins if you are using a Jenkins task.
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